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Comment Re:youtube ads (Score 3, Interesting) 185

The reason is that a number of YouTubers are starting to actually make a career out of making videos. I consume the majority of my shows on YouTube now, rather than TV or traditional media. Many channels have multiple updates per week.

Am I willing to sit through 30 seconds of advertising (or more likely 5 seconds before being allowed to skip) in order to get such content, and promote independent videographers? Yes. I am.

Shows worth watching:
- Veritasium, 2
- SciShow
- VSauce, 2, 3
- Nerd3
- MinutePhysics
- Numberphile, Computerphile, Sixty Symbols, etc

Comment Re:the meaning of the word bully (Score 2) 734

I'm going to go ahead and assume that you're a man, because physical violence is generally the way that boys "tease" each other. Girls are entirely different, and your suggestion that word calling is harmless discounts the real pain that so many of them go through.

That distinction aside, I just can't agree that a punch in the face hurts more than being completely socially ostracized. Being unable to participate at all in any of the fun things that go on in your social circles, because you're seen as strange and different? There's teasing, and then there's having your social world dismantled. Also, let's not forget that this online world didn't exist when many of us were kids, and it's far, far less forgiving than the playground.

The feeling of having no friends at 12 years old feels like the end of the world. I also got punched and shoved around a bunch of times. I also got called gay, and nerd, and all the things that a lot of slashdotters will understand. I quickly got over the physical blows, but the feeling of being an outsider persisted for a very, very long time.

Comment Still frame not from video (Score 1) 237

The summary is wrong in suggesting that the "still frame" showing Rob Ford hanging out with (alleged) drug dealers is from the video. It is in fact a photo given to Gawker to lend credence to their claim that the video is real, but from all accounts it was taken at a different time.

More generally: many people think this is a hilarious story, but as a Canadian I'm sick of it. This isn't the first time Rob Ford has done something to insult the people of Toronto and bring shame to the municipal government, it's just the most heinous thing he's done. It's been a week since we learned about the video, a week! A week and he still hasn't confirmed or denied it. That's pathetic. It's bringing attention to Toronto that the city doesn't need or want. Hockey riots in Vancouver, organized crime and corruption rampant in Montreal, and a crackhead mayor in Toronto? So much for Canada's reputation. The whole situation makes me angry.

Comment Re:Ugh, potheads (Score 1) 212

A lot of what you say is completely valid. However this: "Medicine is sold at drug stores" is a huge assumption. If you define medicine as something that's accepted by government authorities as a substance with medicinal value, then fine. But if you define medicine as a substance that objectively helps to cure or treat the symptoms of a medical condition, then I don't agree. In that case, medicine also grows in the forest, and is defined differently depending on jurisdiction, culture, and a host of other factors.

I say this not as a burnout hippie, but rather as someone who was raised by a physician and has faith in western medicine (and a fair amount of scorn for homeopathy and the like). However one other thing my father taught me was to have an open mind, and not to speak in absolutes.

Comment Cooler than I expected (Score 2) 48

Reading the summary made me roll my eyes, but after checking out the review I admit I'm intrigued. The docking port with controller handles could turn this into a very fun and powerful, large-screen version of a GBA/PSP/etc. I can imagine dozens of indie Steam titles that would play really well on this kind of machine - Super Meat Boy for example.

Now I'm not going to buy one, considering the price tag, but I'm surprising myself by not wanting to mock the concept.

Comment Re:The End-Game (Score 1) 398

But my understanding (as someone who has learned everything he knows about Bitcoin from Slashdot) Bitcoins are infinitely divisible. This is unlike gold, which can't practically be divided down into smaller and smaller grains.

I suppose this changes their relative value over time, but it doesn't mean that it's doomed to failure. I welcome someone smarter than me to explain it better!


Golf Channel Testing Out New Octo-copter Drone To Film Golfers This Weekend 97

An anonymous reader writes "In what seems like a surreal mixture of life imitating art, the Golf Channel has taken the wraps of a new camera drone. The hover camera appears to have 8 independent rotors supporting what looks like a gyro-stabilized HD camera. Though it is far from silent, the new drone will be on the course this week at the PGA Tour event taking place at Arnold Palmer Invitational at Bay Hill in Florida. No word on whether or not Lord Vader will be using these to monitor rebel activity on Hoth."

Comment Re:A true and accurate and transparent lie detecto (Score 2) 456

A built in lie detector would completely ruin romantic relationships, or at least redefine them in almost every way. An honest and healthy relationship is built upon a bed of well-meaning half-truths that make the partner feel better, stronger, more beautiful, and ultimately more loved than he or she may actually ever be. They are lies with the greatest and most honourable of intentions.

Constant truth would be emotionally crippling for most of us, and I for one wouldn't wish it for a moment.

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