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Comment If not version control (Score 0) 238

If you don't want to use the obvious version control solutions, there are many other possibilities.

1. Network folder. Do they really need their very own copy? If they are always connected to the network, just share the network drive.

2. DropBox. It can cost money, but all you need to do is put the file in the proper place, and it updates to all computers automatically.

3. rsync plus a cron job. Not sure about how to handle this with windows. Do they need to manually force an update, or can an hourly ccron job be enough (or whatever Windows does instead of cron).

4. Hire a secretary to run from machine to machine updating them as necessary. If your programmer are guys, and the secretary is cute, this will be their preferred solution.

Comment Re:To heck with Mars (Score 0) 105

Why do you assume we can only do one or the other? What's wrong with working on both? There is much to be learned in either pursuit, and the benefits of either could be enormous.

In space, there is zero-G and Zero Atmosphere, alien planets, etc..

in the oceans are high pressures, lots of water, strange animals, etc..

or, are you one of those who thinks all spending should go to welfare of socialist programs first? That's ann endless money pit that does no one any good.

Comment Re:!Seems likely (Score 2, Insightful) 203

the funny thing about this "war", is that the "facts" come from the same people that the Democrats discredited during the Iraq war. Now that Obama wants a war to distract everyone from his other disastrous wars (like Egypt, Benghazi, ...), the press is willing to forget their claims against these sources. Anything for Obama, and the Democrats.

Comment Re:Creation (Score 0) 440

What evidence supports the Bible?
i used to hear that women had one more rib than men, because one of Adams' ribs was removed to create Eve. Guess what, they were wrong! They both have the same number of ribs.
then, there were the "giants" fossils. That turned out to be faked photographs.
Fossilized footprints, that turn out t be underprints of dinosaur footprints.
Is this the type of evidence you have? Misleading, fake, and untrue "facts"?

Comment Re:Uhg, not Cass Sunstein (Score -1, Troll) 530

You would think that the fact that the North Pole completely melted in Septermber 2009 would have awakened people to the effects of global warming, but everyone ignored that. And the oceans rising 30 feet should have clued them in, but they ignored that too. The Greenland Ice Cqps are also gone. Now, the hurricane scale is being increased to 6, and nobody cares.

When will people take these dire predictions seriously? Global Warming is a serious business. Al Gore needs your Carbon Credit money now!

Comment Re:Admiral Grace Hopper (Score 1) 608

I think her credentials are fine, and all that, and I don't think her gender would really hold her back to much, but the fact that she would be over 100 years old, and dead, might be a problem for many employers.

Employer: So, you worked on developing Cobal and Fortran
Grace: BRAINS!
Employer: What have you been working on lately?
Employer: That's more of a medical area. We're more into Web services here.
Grace: BRAINS!

I just don't think the interview would go well.

Comment The Modern Way (Score 3, Insightful) 206

He was ignorant of modern scientific efforts. Nowadays, we take a vote among political activists, come up with a consensus, and ridicule anyone who believes in the minority. We don't need any of that mathematical proof or experimental evidence crap. It saves a lot of time. As soon as you have a majority, you can start belittling everyone else.

We are no longer hobbled by those ancient, useless beliefs, like "the scientific method". Ours is the enlightened age!

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