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Comment Re:Bloat is often moot (Score 1) 639

But for embedded/minimalist supporters, it means they need to add more hardware to their machines to support the now-larger kernel, chock full of features they'll never need or want.

well, not quite. more like the minimalist guys need to spend more time stripping out the bits they dont want ( menuconfig or rm -Rf from the source..).

more likely to have it scripted anyway so they dont start from scratch with each new kernel release.

or their own git trees...

either way, for the minimalist distros and embedded device guys, all the extra stuff in the kernel sources are simply excluded/ignored from the build. if anything, the option to pick and choose from the broader set of perhaps kludgy or duplicated code is probably keeping their binaries pretty tidy.

Comment Re:And next up (Score 1) 467


are you saying that the british universal healthcare system _prevented_ mr. hardy from purchasing it himself?

didnt think so.

just because pfizer can come up with an expensive new drug ( that is their business you know ), doesnt instantly provide rationalisation to purchase it.

any evidence of what the benefits to this expensive new drug were?

i'd say that if mr. hardy had kidney cancer, which had spread to his lungs, his days are pretty well numbered as it is, so handing over a metric assload of cash to pfizer in order to extend his life by a matter of (probably only) weeks would be sheer self indulgent madness.

it comes down to this: would mrs. hardy like to be the one to pick and choose which services to deny others in need from the healthcare system in order to cover the cost of the expensive medication?

Comment Re:cant we already get free and support with cento (Score 1) 165

define 'enterprise class'.

without the markitecture diagrams and execuspeak please.

the vast ( and i mean _vast_! ) majority of needs in an application database are covered just fine by free/open source tools, speed, reliability and redundancy inclusive.

the remainder probably could benefit from reconsideration of architecture and data access design.

the only reason you would nominate oracle is if your department needed to blow a remaining budget in order to get the same budget next year.

that or oracle sales reps helped write your requirements documentation.

'enterprise class' pffft.

Comment Re:cant we already get free and support with cento (Score 1, Insightful) 165

The sensible thing to do would be to run Oracle Linux for your Oracle products and Red Hat (or CentOS if you didn't want support) for everything else. As they are all virtually the same, it's a lot easier for your administrators.

IMHO, the really sensible thing to do is not run oracle products at all. even the bea purchase and rebadging of the weblogic/aqualogic app server doesnt change that.


A New Way To Produce Hydrogen 204

Iddo Genuth writes "Scientists at Pennsylvania State University and Virginia Commonwealth University are producing hydrogen by exposing clusters of aluminum atoms to water. Rather than relying on the electronic properties of the aluminum, this new process depends on the geometric distribution of atoms within the clusters. It requires the presence of 'Lewis acids' and 'Lewis bases' in those atoms (water can act as either). Unlike most hydrogen production processes, this method can be used at room temperature and doesn't require the application of heat or electricity to work. The researchers experimented with a variety of different aluminum cluster patterns, discovering three that result in hydrogen production."

Comment its gone to crap (Score 3, Interesting) 613

and i've worked out why:

i try write too fast!

when i type, i'm putting out 60-70 words per min, when i'm handwriting, its way way down, but i keep trying to go faster.

i've notice when i slow down and concentrate on the writing part, less what i'm writing, it shapes back up again to something more like i would have put out 15 yrs ago before i started sitting in front of a keyboard, and back in the day my handwriting was actually pretty decent by most standards.

its the same deal on paper as it is on the whiteboard - slow it down and it comes back to what it used to be

Comment Re:missing options (Score 1) 1131

dont we wish A/C's would grow a pair and put their names to whiney slapper comments like this?

whilst the set-up was knocked down by rts008 ( boom boom! ), if A/C had a fucking clue, they may have picked up on the :wq part - i actually voted vi, but find gedit quite useful for many straight up text purposes.

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