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Comment Re:Do they give them content, too? (Score 2) 62

Odd, I have downloaded quite a few free ebooks for my Kindle, directly from Amazon. Guess what, they were from this century. Just go to these two websites and they will point anyone in the right direction.



Comment Re:And how do we do that? (Score 1) 957

Nope, no feathers riled at all. You can view the universe any way you see fit just as I do right now. You should have every right to speak your mind just like I do as well. What you have posted does not harm anyone.

On the subject of Atheism while I do not agree with the view that there are no deities I do feel that it is wrong for people to discriminate against others for being Atheist. Case in mind, Lance Armstrong had to give up his medals because he allegedly used "Performance enhancing drugs" simply because some were claiming he did. It was a bloody witch hunt against him for being Atheist. That is what riles up my feathers, the intolerance for others simply because they are different.

Back to Wicca, I can only speak for myself, not for others, as to logic behind choosing Wicca. I chose it to grow spiritually. To learn to not only tolerate others that are different, but also accept them as well. Learning from others is the way to becoming wiser. Wisdom will allow for me to see whether or not my actions will harm others before I take them. Through wisdom I can become more accepting of others regardless of beliefs or lack thereof. While I may not be perfect I do realize that perfection is merely a destination and my life is but a path I travel along to reach my destination. Even though I will never make it to my destination I will do my best to get as close as possible.

Do I believe that Wicca is for everyone or that everyone should be Wiccan? Definitely not as each one of us has a unique path to travel and our paths will cross from time to time. But just because someone chooses a different religion or no religion at all doesn't make him or her any more or less of a person than anyone else on this planet.

Now, with the laws Pakistan's PM is demanding. Mere laws will not erase the hate, just cover it up. Those laws will allow the hatred to continue to boil to the point it will explode. Once it does we will have more violence and violence will beget more hatred and violence.

Comment Re:And how do we do that? (Score 1) 957

Christianity is blasphemy to a Muslim. Islam is blasphemy to a Jew. Mormonism is blasphemy to a Christian.

Actually Mormonism is a denomination of Christianity.

Also not all Muslims, Jews, Christians feel that other religions are blasphemy to them.

And us atheists, well no religion thinks that ain't blasphemy.

I can't speaks for other religions, however I can speak about mine. As a Wiccan I do not see Atheism as blasphemy and AFAIK no other Wiccan sees Atheism as blasphemy. What we do believe is "An ye harm none, do what ye will" and denying someone his or her right to believe or disbelieve as they wish is harming someone.

So, would this mean that everybody just shuts up about their particular brand of religion or does the world have to pick just one? Because, otherwise it is a joke of an idea.

How about allowing each person choose his or her religion freely, even if it is none of the above. Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are both, IMO, quite important and should not be limited just because someone is simply "offended."

Comment Re:Simple, look at what the USians believe in (Score 1) 361

Almost all USians are religionists, that should be the only indicator by itself.

So are you stating that just because someone is a religionist he or she is unable and/or unwilling to learn, especially about science? Attitude is but one of the problems facing education in America. The other problems also stem from inadequately funded schools, lazy teachers, lazy students, and misplaced priorities (Where television shows like American Idol and Big Brother as well as sports are more important than academics).

But it goes further than that.

1 in 5 USians believe that the sun revolves around the eart.

1 in 5 USians believe that the sun isn't even a star.

1 in 2 USians believe in creationism (I.E. the earth is less than 10k years old).

1 in 2 USians believe that global warming is fake.

Would you cite any of your sources for your claims? I would love to read them.

Conclusion : Nearly all USians believe that science is evil and should never be taught.

If that were true then why is science even being taught in schools to begin with?

No wonder the US lags all developed nations and is starting to fall behind even the developing nations. Time to switch global trading to the Euro, the USian economy is going to fail and fail big time.

Ah, I see, a troll post. Which explains the need to use the terms "USian" and "religionists". First America is the name of a country, hence the name "United States of America." Second not all religions are the same and not everyone in each religion is willfully ignorant when it comes to science or anything else.

Comment Re:well, duh (Score 1) 433

No, starting out at a community college could actually be a smart move. All one has to do is start at a community college, graduate with an associate of science/art degree, then transfer to a state university with a transfer scholarship. When someone earns a Bachelor of science/art degree the employers will mainly look at that rather than the associate degree earned.

Comment Re:~79%? (Score 1) 1359

True, however that would also could have a positive effect on those that are non-religious as well. When the religious right demand that prayer should be allowed in school they don't know that the same rights apply to all religions, not just one. Once it settles in they will no longer be any requests for prayer at school again. :


Comment Facebook is a wonderful tool if used properly (Score 1) 40

I do agree with you 100%, Facebook does make it easier to communicate with people over the internet. While the original poster did make some sense that it is best to meet others IRL sometimes it is impossible to meet all friends IRL. For example I have met a few good friends through facebook. One person I have met has been such a wonderful friend to me. She lives in Ilkeston, Derbyshire and we have chatted quite a bit over the past year about the FB games we play, our troubles, our interests, Doctor Who, forum based Role Playing, and many other things. In fact I feel I could trust her with my life even though we have never met face to face. I think it is because we both feel like we have known each other for years.

Back to the original point without Facebook I would not have met her, or my other online friends for that matter, at all. As far a privacy I don't see what the big deal as I don't place some of my deepest, darkest secrets on Facebook. People just need to be careful what the post online whether it is a social media site, or their personal websites.

Comment Re:Links (Score 1) 188

According to the fine article "Duke Nukem Forever Demo Released, Access To First Access Club Only" In other words everyone should be able to download it soon. Right now only those who are in the club can download it and AFAIK those who have reserved a copy will have access to the demo.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 607

Ah, the "go slit your wrists" troll has returned. What's wrong? Too intellectually bankrupt to write anything that adds to the discussions or debates here on /., or are you just too bored? If it is the latter then go out and get a life. If it is the former then grow up, further your education, then get a life. Simple as that.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 607

I agree with you it shouldn't be there. Correct me if I am wrong on this point but TiVo was most likely forced to use DRM in their files in order to use allow the legal use of cable cards in their DVR. Fortunately not many channels are flagged for copy prevention. As far as the ease of copying TiVo desktop and Desktop Plus allows someone to download from the TiVo unit and then convert it to video that is playable on an iPod, iPhone, several blackberry devices, Palm Pre, Zune, PSP, and several other devices. As far as burning them onto a video DVD or Blu-Ray it does take a few additional steps. Start off with either TiVo desktop, TiVo PLaylist, Galleon, or any web browser to download the video or videos, using either Tivo Decode or Directshow Dump to remove the wrapper, then use any DVD/Blu Ray authoring software out there as long as it supports MPEG2.

While it is rather easy not everyone would be able to perform such acts. Then again, those who have little or no technical skill probably were not able to set the clock on a VCR, or copy a simple file on a computer. No matter how easy you make something there is always going to be quite a few people who will not simply get it.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 607

IMO the reason SyFy has wrestling is simple, they are transforming into another "Men's" channel much like TNN did as they transformed from The Nashville Network to The National Network and finally to Spike TV/spike.

At least SyFi isn't as bad as Spike. When spike had Star Trek Voyager they butchered the start time like many of their other shows. More times than not it started late, sometimes up to 25 minutes late which would prevent any DVR from recording the entire show.

As far as DRMs I can download the shows rather easily from my TiVo and remove the DRM to burn to either DVD or Blu-Ray. I have even converted the files rather easily for use on my iPod classic.

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