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Comment Re:What's everyone afraid of? (Score 1) 1293

Intelligent Design is not science. It's not a theory. It's a hypothesis at best, and even that's pushing it. It's unfalsifiable. It should be taught in religious studies. Presenting it as science to school children as if it's a real alternative theory to evolution is the problem. It's not a scientific theory. There is no debate in the scientific world. Evolution is a theory in the same way that gravity is.

Comment Threatening The Emotional Crutch of Idiots (Score 2) 1293

Fundamentalist Christians. Seriously, this is not in need of a deep philosophical examination. Those that follow stone age mysticism get upset when science threatens & exposes their religious insecurities. When there's a lot of them, they will use legal means to enforce their superstitions. Like Texas.

Comment Re:And people wonder why we hate CEOs (Score 1) 196

I think all of the people he fired & the projects he gutted point to Elop making it worse.

This guy is a cut & dry corporate psychopath. Make no bones about it. Juniper, Adobe, he's been fucking with companies his entire career.


Comment Re:Two new iPhones? (Score 1) 348

Wrong. What Apple had in 2007 was EASY & SLICK. Which no one, especially not BlackBerry, had.

Funnily enough, when you combine polish & ease of use, people love your product.

I'm definitely an Android kind of guy, but if you can't appreciate what Apple pulled off with the iPhone, then you're a fucking moron.

Comment Re:Approachable download for the way! (Score 1) 176

I disagree. I am someone that could easily become a contributor, but that's not my original intention. My original intention is to use some software. If I have to compile it then I'll most likely move on.

If your intention is provide some useful code to other developers then it's fine. If it's because you think your software is good for users then have binaries available.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 1) 247

Imagine if a malicious attacker hijacked Microsoft's update server! Or Apple's update server! Imagine if a malicious attacker got control of the moon base!

Baseless fear mongering.

Comment Re:For fucks sake google hating shills. (Score 1) 555

Almost every company has T&Cs that offer them quick & easy ways to fire you as a customer. You're frothing at the mouth over something near to meaningless.

If you've got evidence of Google kicking off customers for running their own private mail server or OpenArena server. Please present it.

By presenting this as a net neutrality issue you're exposing yourself as a deluded "but, but, it's the principle of the thing!" idealist. Maybe you should come back to the real world.

Personally, I'm glad that service providers have clauses to make sure that people aren't running high traffic servers on the internet server that I share with them. If they need that kind of access they should be putting their servers in a datacentre like the rest of us. Not degrading home internet to save a few bucks.

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