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Comment Re:Credible, unfortunately. (Score 0) 294

What ridiculous, hedonistic nonsense. Your know nothing of being a human. Yours is the value system of animals.

Whether it is hedonism or pessimism, utilitarianism or eudaemonism - all these ways of thinking that measure the value of thing in accordance with pleasure and pain , which are mere epiphenomena and wholly secondary, are ways of thinking that stay in the foreground and naivetes on which everyone conscious of creative powers and an artistic conscience will look down not without derision, nor without pity. Pity with you - that, of course, is not pity in your sense: it is not pity with social "distress", with "society" and its sick and unfortunate members, with those addicted to vice and maimed from the start, though the ground around us is littered with them; it is even less pity with grumbling, sorely pressed, rebellious slave strata who long for dominion, calling it "freedom". Our pity is a higher and more farsighted pity: we see how man makes himself smaller, how you make him smaller - and there are moments when we behold your very pity with indescribable anxiety, when we resist this pity - when we find your seriousness more dangerous than any frivolity. You want, if possible - and there is no more insane "if possible" - to abolish suffering . And we? It really seems that we would rather have it higher and worse than ever. Well-being as you understand it - that is no goal, that seems to us an end , a state that soon makes man ridiculous and contemptible - that makes his destruction desirable .

The discipline of suffering, of great suffering - do you not know that only this discipline has created all enhancements of man so far? That tension of the soul in unhappiness which cultivates its strength, its shudders face to face with great ruin. its inventiveness and courage in enduring, persevering, interpreting and exploiting suffering and whatever has been granted to it of profundity, secret, mask, spirit, cunning, greatness - was it not granted to it through suffering, through the discipline of great suffering? In man creature and creator are united: in man there is material, fragment, excess, clay, dirt, nonsense, chaos; but in man there is also creator, form giver, hammer, hardness, spectator divinity, and seventh day: do you understand this contrast? And that your pity is for the "creature in man". for what must be formed, broken, forged, torn, burnt, made incandescent, and purified - that which necessarily man and should suffer? And our pity - do you not comprehend for whom our converse pity is when it resists your pity as the worst of all pamperings and weaknesses?

Thus it is pity versus pity.

But to say it once more: there are higher problems than all problems of pleasure. pain. and pity; and every philosophy that stops with them is naive.

Comment Slate is part of the "premier" liberal press (Score 2, Interesting) 308

This means, besides the fact it is the mouthpiece of the usurious billionaire ruling class, it abides by one singular ethic: hedonism.

If it does not maximize pleasure, it is evil. If it maximizes pleasure, it is good.

There is a reason the members of this class seem like robots, especially to the European Faustian soul - they possess no understanding of what differentiates men from animals. Their ethic is that of a dog, that shivers when it is cold and wishes it was not so. They do not understand why men would go to the moon anymore than they can understand why Europeans commenced on the creation of the modern world with the beginning of the Age of Discovery. They can conceptualize the works of great artists only in terms of brilliance that would get them into Harvard or some other type of artificial hierarchy. They do not feel deeply, they do not see further. They have nothing to say except that they want to be good.

Which brings us back to their pathetic and simplistic ethic.

It is all simple pacification.

Comment Re:+5 Insightful for (Score 4, Interesting) 424

Actually, I study all of this in rather significant detail. Your 1/5 estimate, by any reasonable measure, is completely false.

I would encourage you to look at the GDP breakdown by industry sector, conveniently summarized in this wikipedia entry:


As you can see, the aggregate manufacturing output is 12% of the GDP, less than that attributed to real estate. The aggregate value of industrial production in the US is $1.7 trillion dollars. If you honestly believe the aggregate value of all manufacturing in the world is $8.5 trillion, then I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

The US does have some industry, but it is not relevant to the employment and purchasing power of the average citizen. Back in 1960, a substantial portion of the populace earned a solid living employed in these sectors.

The question becomes how do we have a country when so little of our economy involves the actual basics of economics - production of the necessities of life? How do we import so much crap from China and simply trade rice, wheat, and trash in return?

The answer is financialization, summarized in my previous post. I would recommend Michael Hudson's Super Imperialism: Origins and Fundamentals of US World Dominance to understand the exact mechanics of how this works.

PS: Your 1/5 number was probably true in the 1950s and 1960s. I'm not going to lookup that data however.

Comment Re:+5 Insightful for (Score 3, Interesting) 424

Those economic policies were necessary as the nation transitioned away from being an industrial power under the bretton woods system to an Empire that extracts money from the global economy through wall street and down to the peasants via the "service economy". His failure, if there was one, involved not using our military enough to scare the world into using USD for international trade. Subsequent presidents, regardless of party affiliation, have not had this problem. In fact, Obama might be the best one yet.

Politicians in the 1970s were still by and large honest. Even Nixon pails in comparison with Obama. Carter's failure was not believing the true horror of America - that it has a very small productive economy and thrives exclusively on plunder.

Comment Re:This is stupid (Score 1) 407

No offense, but your country is a weird construction of the British Empire. I wouldn't be surprised if it ceases to exist in the next 10 years.

Very strange how the British just loved to group unrelated people together and declare a country out of it. Divide and conquer was their way unfortunately, even on the European continent. I guess they just wanted a foothold in case another Napoleon appeared.

Comment Re:Oh Canada... (Score 0) 205

Mild cluelessness?

Political correctness has turned into a witch hunt that makes the Spanish Inquisition seem preferable.

There are many, many people being persecuted because they say or think things the state has deemed dangerous.

Toronto, in particular, has become surreal. The iron fist necessary to maintain their multicultural paradise is at times shocking.

Canada has ceased being a civilized country. It is now a totalitarian dictatorship, which means it simply won't last. Expect the country to break up in the years ahead.

Comment Re:Fiat Currency (Score 1, Informative) 692

The important answer is: whatever the government says it is worth.

Steve Forbes is an idiot, and he simply does not understand how money functions in an advanced economy. His idealized vision has NEVER existed.

Money is the primary projection of sovereign power. When a country collapses, so too does its currency. A sovereign is only as powerful as his ability to force people to use state currency, which is usually done through taxes. This is why tax collection was so important in ancient times - it literally was the only way cohesion of large empires was maintained.

Within a generation of the Roman Empire collapsing, and hence the tax man no longer being a problem, people stopped using currency and reverted to barter. In the 19th century, the British engaged in all sorts of social engineering to get Africans to work for money. It's really a counterintuitive thing that exists only due to outside coercion.

There is zero evidence that the Economics lie of efficiency every occurred.

Comment Re:So says the religious guy. (Score 1) 1237

Yet, nearly every liberal refuses to believe that evolution applies to humans.

The reality is in America, both parties are religious expressions of Puritanism and the Enlightenment. The only difference between Puritanism and the typical modern liberal is the latter has replaced faith in god with the notion that evolution ceased for human beings the moment they appeared on this earth.

Meanwhile, anyone who says that intelligence, temperament, and all the qualities we assign to animals are genetic in origin is crucified in the endless witch hunt to track down the racists, sexists, and homophobes who are the real reason group differences exist.

The truth is liberalism is a religion, and its adherents are going to be just as shocked once we finally figure out the specific genes for intelligence. No one is going to be able to handle it. And we are very close, which is why Watson was so persecuted.

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