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Comment Re:Bigger Markets (Score 3, Insightful) 102

i'm not a bigot

if you as a human being are not allowed your normal biological outlets, those urges just don't disappear, they reemerge as disappointment and hatred at the world that denies you your normal needs because of a vain shallow "morality" (aka, hypocrisy)

traditionalism, conservatism, and extreme religiosity breeds evil in this world

that is an objective fact

find a deeply conservative place in the world, and you also find poverty, misery, and hatred

find a liberal place in the world, and you also find fortune, happiness, and tolerance

chart religiousity versus happiness in this world and it is inversely proportional

Comment Re:Bigger Markets (Score 4, Insightful) 102

i don't have everything figured out

but i do know strict religious upbringing that suppresses normal human sexuality feeds hatred and suffering

if you as a human being are not allowed your normal biological outlets, those urges just don't disappear, they reemerge as disappointment and hatred at the world that denies you your normal needs because of a vain shallow "morality" (aka, hypocrisy)

traditionalism, conservatism, and extreme religiosity breeds evil in this world

that is an objective fact

Comment Re:Bigger Markets (Score 4, Insightful) 102

if you live in a society where rich men can have many wives so there's less women to go around, female infanticide is ripe, and your economy sucks so you can't get a job: no woman will look at you

you have no pornography, women are wrapped up and hidden from sight

your corrupt broken government censors the internet

so you have no outlet for your sexuality

none. zero

this is extremely unnatural

and this is what fuels all the suffering and hatred in conservative societies and with men from conservative backgrounds: a young man with no options to express his natural biological desires turns to the worst choices in life: murder and psychopathy

meanwhile, in "decadent", "immoral" societies, where expression of natural human sexuality is easy, young men and women are productive, happy and content

the greatest creator of evil in this world is traditional religion

Comment Re:Bigger Markets (Score 4, Insightful) 102


because conservative countries that disallow expression of sexuality, and also disallow censor pornography, create murderous assholes and bitter hatemongers

so allowing sexuality is best, but allowing pornography is second best

blocking both creates hellholes of human suffering. that's religious conservative "morals" at work


Comment Re:Bigger Markets (Score 4, Informative) 102

the more conservative the area of the country (and the world) the more online pornography is consumed:

pointlessly uptight people still need their biological release, and since their bullshit "morals" don't allow them to express their natural proclivities in real life, they're all closet perverts

so southerners need that fiber, they won't oppose it

Comment Re:GNUradio? (Score 1) 135

Test equipment is allowed to transmit and receive on those frequencies. If it looks like a radio, it can't. I have a number of cellular testers hanging around here that can act like base stations, mostly because I buy them used as spectrum analyzers and never use the (obsolete) cellular facilities. Government has different rules regarding what it can and can't do in the name of law enforcement, although FCC has been very reluctant to allow them to use cellular jammers.

If you can afford it, something from Ettus would better suit your application.

Comment Re:Sure, some access is bad (Score 0) 53

a corporation will bust your kneecaps if you demand higher wages, and set fire to smaller competitors. and you have no recourse. this is american history

meanwhile, you can actually elect government officials, insist they pass anticorruption laws, and make them accountable to you. there is of course a brain dead cynicism that corruption is insurmountable, but the nordic countries and canada control corruption better than us. why can't we? and we can. and we shall

we just passed net neutrality, we're legalizing gay marriage and marijuana. ten years ago people would laugh at me that this was impossible with the same brain dead cynicism. we will defeat citizens united and other form of government corruption and make it more accountable

Comment Re:Sure, some access is bad (Score 2) 53

buried in your hyperbole is a real point though: some people blindly hate government and irrationally trust corporations. other people blindly hate corporations and and irrationally trust government

why can't someone be both?

me: i don't trust government. i also don't trust corporations

is such a person possible in your world?

if i express my distrust of corporations, in your mind that means i automatically love government? why?

it's kind of like those arguments about iran and nukes: if you don't want iran to have nukes, you must love israel and the usa. no. how about i just don't trust a theorcracy with nukes, AND i dislike american and israeli policy? why i can't i do both?

why is there this irrational tribalism at work in the world where expressing an opinion against something automatically means i am for something else, as only determined by blind prejudice?

it's possible to think about the problems in the world without categorizing people according to the one dimensional antagonistic stereotypes in your head

Comment Re:nice, now for the real fight (Score 1) 631

ah the perennial "big business corrupts government so government is the evil one"

so if thieves rob your bank by blowing the door off, you scream and yell and kick at the security guards (government), leave the broken door unrepaired (regulatory capture), and let thew thieves (big business) get away without a single iota of criticism?

CORRUPTION is the problem, not government. if you attack and weaken government, the assholes corrupting it simply rape you with less interference and hassle of corrupting someone in government to do so

you want to fix your government. you want to fight corruption

if you want to fight government, and not criticize the corruptors, you're what is called a "useful fool" to plutocrats

there is no free market fairy fix here. fair regulations that keep an even playing field in fact is the only way you ever get a free market in the first place

Comment Re:"Proprietary So I Get Paid", from Bruce Perens? (Score 1) 135

Hi AC,

Matt Ettus has a story about a Chinese cloner of the USRP. The guy tells Chinese customers that it is illegal for them to buy from Ettus, they must buy from the cloner instead. Then, when they have problems and require serivce, he tells them to get it from Ettus. Who of course made nothing from their device sales and can not afford to service them.

This is not following the rules of Open anything. It's counterfeiting.

So, sometimes it is necessary to change the license a little so that you will not be a chump. I discussed the fact that the hardware is fully disclosed but not Open Hardware licensed with RMS, the software is 100% Free Software, and there is a regulatory chip you can't write. We can go for Respects Your Freedom certification that way..

I've paid my dues as far as "Open" is concerned, and Chris has too. This is all we can give you this time.

Comment Re:Why custom punched end panels ? (Score 1) 135

The case selection was so that we'd have at least one case that would work. We did not take much time on it. We'd be happy to have other people designing and selling cases.

The version after this one requires cases that look like real radios. That is going to be a bigger problem. We don't yet have a mold-design partner, etc.

Comment Re:GNUradio? (Score 2) 135

We implement it as a chip that intercepts the serial bus to the VFO chip, and disallows certain frequencies. On FCC-certified equipment we might have to make that chip and the VFO chip physically difficult to get at by potting them or something. This first unit is test-equipment and does not have the limitation.

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