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Comment Re:protecting intellectual property is... theft?! (Score 1) 328

Yes, copyright infringement is stealing.

Factually incorrect.Copyright infringement and theft have completely different legal definitions and different laws apply to each.

You're starting off on a false premise, and using mathy-looking letter variables doesn't make your logic any less sloppy.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fourteen: The Final Chapter 1

It's that time of year again. The time of year when everyone and their dog waxes nostalgic about all the shit nobody cares about from the year past, and stupidly predicts the next year in the grim knowledge that when the next New Year comes along nobody will remember that the dumbass predicted a bunch of foolish shit that turned out to be complete and utter balderdash. I might as well, too. Just like I did last year (yes, a lot of this was pasted from last year's final chapter).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! is now available 2

It isn't supposed to be. I'll get to that later, but first, please download the Amazon e-book! It's only two bucks and I'd really like to see my name on a best seller list.

Speaking of names, the dufuses at Amazon insist on a first name. At least they left it lowercase.

Comment Re:Voyager (Score 1) 105

The memory, as little as it is, the Voyager spacecraft, must be of a different sort. Launched in the late 1970s, the electronics is still functioning, although with a few issues. That'll soon be four times longer that the Rover.

The Voyager craft were intended to operate for many years. The mars rovers weren't. The mars rovers also reside in a much harsher environment than the space probes which float weightlessly in a vacuum at a constant temperature.

There was no reason to design the flash memory to last much longer than the expected lifetimes of the wheel bearings or solar panels. Just because by some miracle those both lasted much longer than expected, it doesn't mean that additional investments of resources into the memory would have been justified.

That, I tell friends, is why I'm happy to drive a 30+ year old car. It has issues, but the hardware it's built from is inherently more long-lived than that in today's cars. A crank-up window just keeps working. One driven by an electric motor doesn't.

False. Cars from that era were routinely sent to the scrapyard when they were less than 10 years old because they were rusted beyond repair. Now the average age of US cars is over ten years, twice what it was in the 1960s. Old cars also required constant maintenance of problem-prone mechanical parts such as ignition points and carburetors.

User Journal

Journal Journal: An Upgrade

I've been really busy the last few days. I sent for the (I hope) final version of the three physical formats of Mars, Ho!; when they get here I'll release the e-book to Amazon and the printed copies for bookstore sales. I'll need the URLs for the checkouts before I "officially" release it. It'll be a couple more weeks. A while back I noticed "preview in web browser"in Open Office, so had a look. The paragraph indents were replaced by blank lines between paragraphs, but it was full
User Journal

Journal Journal: Merry Christmas! 1

For the first time in nine years I got to see my youngest daughter on Christmas; this is the first Christmas in nine years she didn't have to work. Great Christmas present!

And the second to last pre-publication copies came Christmas eve eve. I finished going through it this morning, and the book itself is ready. What wasn't was the cover; I fixed it and ordered another copy, so Mars, Ho! should be online in a couple of weeks.

Comment Re:The Drive used to have "Deep Tracks" (Score 1) 7

FM is now an analog/digital mix. They broadcast the analog channel with two digital channels piggybacked on the signal. They don't call it digital, they call it "High Def".

And if they're too broke to pay the fees, they must have trouble selling ads. KSHE has no problem, but they're probably the most popular station in St Louis.

Comment Re:Other art forms that contain music (Score 1) 628

I certainly agree that copyright lengths are way too long, and that the extreme lengths hinder creative expression. I ran across it with Random Scribblings; I had to change Dork Side of the Moon, reducing the lyrics of the two songs to "fair use" snippets, since I can find no way to contact Roger Waters for usage permission. That album is four decades old and should not be under copyright.

You are right, copyright is supposed to encourage creators so their work will belong to everyone after the copyright lapses. How is anyone supposed to get Hendrix or Cocker to perform again?

It does add challenges to creativity.

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Were there fewer fools, knaves would starve. - Anonymous
