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Comment Re:eliminate extra sugar (Score 1) 496

There's minimal evidence that healthy eating alone lowers your long-term body weight. That's part of the point really. Any diet change, be it fad dieting or more sustainable health eating choices, they are all capable of short-term weight loss. Keeping that weight off on the long-term is is a so much harder problem, it's barely related to what works for losing a large amount of weight in the first place.

If you read studies about people who lose and keep weight off, like Long-term weight loss maintenance, the common factors that always show up are both very low calorie counts and constant feedback. Basically, chart your weight all the time, and cut your calories if it ever goes up. That is brutally difficult to sustain for years at a time. If you follow any sort of hunger-driven diet, with healthy foods or not, you will probably go back to whatever weight your body likes over time. That's how hunger works.

Comment Re:I know I'll get flamed... (Score 1) 165

That grass-roots FLOSS development only happened after the GPL does not mean it was necessary to create it, nor even caused directly by it. Giving away free software to promote consulting and support revenue can be a profit center independently of other motives. I can easily imagine an alternate 2015 where there was no Stallman, so instead consulting companies shared boring infrastructure code to split its development costs.

Comment Re:I know I'll get flamed... (Score 1) 165

Good old says paranoia is baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others. There are a few examples where I think Stallman is excessively paranoid. I personally like using the web only over e-mail to avoid "survellance". Wander that deep down the rabbit hole, and the all powerful three letter agencies out to get you will also have secret exploits for Lynx. Seriously, it's all in the Snowden documents! And I totally did remember to take my medication!

However, there are way less examples that seem extreme like that today then there used to be. Re-writing your hard drive firmware with secret monitoring tools? In 2015 evidence that might be happening is reasonable news, not paranoia.

I've seen plenty of examples of companies who do not want to share code unless compelled to. There are software compliance tools for lawyers whose main purpose is checking corporate source code repos to make sure there's no GPL code. But the number of corporate contributors to all the BSD distributions says the GPL is not mandatory to develop open code. Did it help? Sure. I think open source software as a way to share overhead on boring infrastructure code was inevitable though, even if there was no "free software" (tm).

Comment Re:I know I'll get flamed... (Score 1) 165

The world could have collaborated and built the modern Internet just fine on BSD licensed software, which is itself a variation of public domain. What Stallman deserves credit for is inventing the Copyleft license as a way to compel source code sharing. He's stayed relevant beyond that as source for paranoia about software being used against people, a stance that looks more prescient each year.

Comment Re:Postgres has referential integrity (Score 1) 320

Postgres stopped using OIDs for regular tables in version 8.1, many years ago. You can force the old behavior with default_with_oids, but no one does that anymore. OIDs haven't been needed for referential integrity in quite a while. Only the system tables still use them to connect tables on a typical server, which is mainly because those need to be read during bootstrapping before all the SQL features are available.

Comment Re:I don't see how this delivery model can scale.. (Score 1) 110

I live very close to the Baltimore distribution center. What they've done there is position it right in the middle of where all the major highways here intersect. You really can get to any other part of Baltimore in 25 minutes from there. I suspect they're going to limit this service to popular items in cities where the layout makes things feasible.

Comment Re:What's TSYNC ? (Score 1) 338

That's not how Chrome works. The only answer to all Chrome issues is "get the latest Chrome version where that's fixed". The concept of fixing a problem in an older version just doesn't exist in that mindset. It's rather fundamentally at odds with how Debian manages releases due to that, which is why I'm not surprised at their lack of fucks here.

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