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Comment Re:Postgres has referential integrity (Score 1) 320

Postgres stopped using OIDs for regular tables in version 8.1, many years ago. You can force the old behavior with default_with_oids, but no one does that anymore. OIDs haven't been needed for referential integrity in quite a while. Only the system tables still use them to connect tables on a typical server, which is mainly because those need to be read during bootstrapping before all the SQL features are available.

Comment Re:I don't see how this delivery model can scale.. (Score 1) 110

I live very close to the Baltimore distribution center. What they've done there is position it right in the middle of where all the major highways here intersect. You really can get to any other part of Baltimore in 25 minutes from there. I suspect they're going to limit this service to popular items in cities where the layout makes things feasible.

Comment Re:What's TSYNC ? (Score 1) 338

That's not how Chrome works. The only answer to all Chrome issues is "get the latest Chrome version where that's fixed". The concept of fixing a problem in an older version just doesn't exist in that mindset. It's rather fundamentally at odds with how Debian manages releases due to that, which is why I'm not surprised at their lack of fucks here.

Comment Re:"an act of social provocation"? (Score 1) 367

Demonstrating how easy it is to manufacture guns with modern equipment shows the futility of trying to stop it with simple restrictions, such as the silly shipping restriction. As a related example, some people in the US think that a useful answer to gun violence is stronger rules on who can purchase guns and how they are registered/tracked. That's just ridiculous when any yahoo can whip out an unregistered gun this fast. (Our yahoos are similar to your chavs, but with even worse outfits)

The US is close to having a gun for every single citizen. It will take more than any of these "think of the children" laws to make that go away. And media hysteria here is actually leading to more gun sales. We had a spike in talk of banning "assault weapons" again a few years back, whatever that means. The only result of that was a giant increase in AR-15 sales.

Comment Re:Easy life (Score 2) 208

You know what else minimizes the risk of musculoskeletal problems caused by weight-training? Not doing it, and instead training with something that's considered a less hardcore workout.

Workout intensity has a large range of activity in it, each with a corresponding risk. I don't think it's appropriate to talk about the benefits of serious strength training without also noting the associated dangerous parts. If you're young enough that you only have been lifting for 12 years (hint: half as long as me), you're unlikely to know about how tricky this gets when you get older yet.

Comment Re:Easy life (Score 1) 208

You'd have to browse Pubmed with blinders on to miss all the studies of how weight training leads to injuries. Just picking one author who writes about them, here's 1 2 3 4 studies on it. I only do body weight exercises now, and I count myself lucky that I only have one mild uncorrectable shoulder injury from my lifting days.

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