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Comment Re:Have you considered the possibility... (Score 1) 222

Agree completely. I think Assange is at the very least guilty of gross breach of many people's privacy.
I hope everyone who had documents exposted to the world that they considered private communications between them and the parties that they communicate them too sue the guy.
I would be so pissed if he had done this to me personally. And I imagine practically everone on slashdot would think the same if it happened to them. It is just that most people forget that governments have actual people working in them.

Comment Re:Make some kids (Score 1) 418

Wierd reply. Its like you didn't read the e-mails, especially your own. There are several main things you write that don't fit.

I didn't complain about not having fun - he did. I happen to enjoy my life immensely, both the parts that involve my kids, and the rest of it, but I think that is somewhat off topic.

Raising kids is actually lots of fun, and mine are rewarding and not very annoying (although admittedly many are). I guess we rasied them right (although genes obviously play a large role too).

You write about personal responsibiliy and sound economic policy, I think that sound demographics is an essential part of that. Seems like a no-brainer really.

And sound economic policy and personal responibility is being seriously undermined by people persuing their "different desires" without investment in the human capital that created them in the first place.

That we need more kids is not a popular opinion these days, but I think it stands to scrutiny. The world we live in is unbounded.

And by the way I am not the least bit religious. Even athiests can be interested in humanities continued well-being.

Comment Re:Make some kids (Score 0) 418

I actually think it is irrepsonible for healthy talented people to not have kids. Breaks the social contract. Population forcasts continue to collapse and a world with too many pensioners will be ugly - and possibly unavoidable already. Just look at where Japan is headed.

The earth may be limited but there is infinte room in space. As any geek should know.

Comment Make some kids (Score 2, Insightful) 418

Games are not so important for adults. The biggest use for games is learning how to learn fast. Maybe you have that down now and your subconsiously just not as interested.

Go make and raise some kids and let them learn some games. That is a fun, rewarding, and quite complex game. All stages of it.

Comment Re:or desalinate? (Score 4, Informative) 290

You get a lot of desalinated water in resorts in the med. You can always tell because you can taste the salt in it - and they told us the water purified for touriests was purified 10 times more than the water for the locals. I think getting it down to the point where you cannot taste it is prohibitively expensive with today technology. So I can see why they would want a whole supertanker full of fresh Alaskan water. Of course it might taste a bit oily...

Comment Re:When is a bank not a bank (Score 4, Interesting) 775

They blocked my account for reasons that were not clear to me, but had to do with being an American living in Germany using a German bank. There was a way to get it unblocked, but it was complicated and not worth my time. I only ever used it for eBay, so I just stopped using eBay.
They are just stupid.

Comment Re:Why I no longer believe in global warming (Score 0) 414

Less would have been more.

I agree with your title and your first few points were good, but then when you started ranting about socialism and conspiracy I got bored. I am pretty sceptical about global warming on the whole, but I find it best to ignore passionate claims by either side.

Passion is for bed, and not really suitable for making scientific judgements.

Comment Electric Cars will make it worse (Score 3, Funny) 450

Electric cars emit much less noise. I think we will need to have a protocol whereby iPods can sense potential collisions and warn the listeners. Cars are getting anti-collision devices and software anyway in the coming years, they shoud expand the protocolls to iPods too.
Hmm - maybe I should patent that idea :).

Comment Breathless Panic about nothing (Score 1) 1268

Jeez. There have always been lots of people who are crappy at math. And there still are. This is like reporting about rain. Yes - there is a general decline in math skills, but there has been a compensating advance in IQ and abstract reasoning. Society requires different skills than it used to - and frankly Math has always been of limited use to all but a chosen few.
There are admittedly problems with our society, but your average Joe messing up symbolic manipulation is not really one of the biggies, and should not be high on the list of things we are worried about. IMHO.


Man Uses Drake Equation To Explain Girlfriend Woes 538

artemis67 writes "A man studying in London has taken a mathematical equation that predicts the possibility of alien life in the universe to explain why he can't find a girlfriend. Peter Backus, a native of Seattle and PhD candidate and Teaching Fellow in the Department of Economics at the University of Warwick, near London, in his paper, 'Why I don't have a girlfriend: An application of the Drake Equation to love in the UK,' used math to estimate the number of potential girlfriends in the UK. In describing the paper on the university Web site he wrote 'the results are not encouraging. The probability of finding love in the UK is only about 100 times better than the probability of finding intelligent life in our galaxy.'"

Game Endings Going Out of Style? 190

An article in the Guardian asks whether the focus of modern games has shifted away from having a clear-cut ending and toward indefinite entertainment instead. With the rise of achievements, frequent content updates and open-ended worlds, it seems like publishers and developers are doing everything they can to help this trend. Quoting: "Particularly before the advent of 'saving,' the completion of even a simple game could take huge amounts of patience, effort and time. The ending, like those last pages of a book, was a key reason why we started playing in the first place. Sure, multiplayer and arcade style games still had their place, but fond 8, 16 and 32-bit memories consist more of completion and satisfaction than particular levels or tricky moments. Over the past few years, however, the idea of a game as simply something to 'finish' has shifted somewhat. For starters, the availability of downloadable content means no story need ever end, as long as the makers think there's a paying audience. Also, the ubiquity of broadband means multiplayer gaming is now the standard, not the exception it once was. There is no real 'finish' to most MMORPGs."

Living In Tokyo's Capsule Hotels 269

afabbro writes "Capsule Hotel Shinjuku 510 once offered a night’s refuge to salarymen who had missed the last train home. Now with Japan enduring its worst recession since World War II, it is becoming an affordable option for people with nowhere else to go. The Hotel 510’s capsules are only 6 1/2 feet long by 5 feet wide. Guests must keep possessions, like shirts and shaving cream, in lockers outside of the capsules. Atsushi Nakanishi, jobless since Christmas says, 'It’s just a place to crawl into and sleep. You get used to it.'”

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