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Comment Re:Offer/Demand Law (Score 1) 537

From the OP

governments would either ban it or take over the system

I think this is no more possible to ban bitcoins than banning the trade of gold or banning the trade of old stamps. I'd be willing to be paid in gold and as bitcoins become more popular and accepted as payment, I'm sure being paid in bitcoins would be very acceptable. All government want is their share of the income generated by bitcoins.

Comment Re:Subjects in comments are stupid (Score 1) 157

Isn't the iPad Mini and the Surface 2 only about $50 apart? Plus you can pay a little more and get 3G/LTE on the iPad Mini. I don't think the Android tablet are competition to the iPad given the lack of tablet optimized apps. Sure they're trying to improve but even with this effort, it doesn't mean you'll get a truly tablet optimized app. So even if there are some, they might not be obviously identifiable vs another which just stretches the display.

Comment Re: Another day, another anti-Apple story (Score 1) 326

Apple has a long track record of abusing it's customer base.

I bought some Apple products and don't feel abused. I also run Fedora as my main desktop so no RDF here. I recently had a problem with my iPhone and they happily replaced it. I'm not sure what TFA is really about but personally, I've not had any problems with iOS7 (wifi or otherwise) and neither has my family.

Comment Re:iPad already beaten (Score 1) 112

There is a market for each tablet provided they distinguish themselves from others. Apple doesn't have that problem as it's the only tablet that run iOS. If you love iOS, well you're getting an iPad. Android tablets have more of a problem. This RT based Nokia tablet has to beat Microsoft's tablet, the only one out there and perhaps all other Android tablets in features people actually care about. Since it's new, I expect it will but now that MS bought Nokia, what's really the future of this tablet?

Comment Re:Old news (Score 1) 177

Maybe this is just BS designed to spark more interest in the space program. Too bad Saturn is 8 to 11AUs away. At it's closest it would take about 3 years to get there (ref. New Horizons mission), engineer a way to grab a ton of diamonds, and return with the goods. But first, we need a few missions to confirm if there are really diamonds.

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