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Comment Many unanswered questions... (Score 2, Insightful) 878

An unmarked police car pulls a guy over and the cop jumps out with a gun... at what point was the motor cyclist supposed to turn off the camera - after the fact he didn't know it was a police car? We don't know the history of the person being pulled over, for all we know he was a person of interest to the cops (his name popped up on the computer after the cop checked the registration of the bike then the cop proceeded with caution by pulling out a gun - maybe the motorcyclist had prior "dangerous" convictions?). Regardless, they might have had nothing on him and are using the "make an example out of him" method making his life hell. How many riots, uproars have happened when someone has video taped a cop? Authorities want to get the message across of don't do it or else this will happen to you... Anyway, if the filming part was so bad why didn't they confiscate the camera? How did the video end up on the internet?

Comment "Only..." ?? (Score 1) 404

The story failed at the first word ""Only one crime was solved for each 1,000 CCTV cameras in London last year"... How many was it supposed to solve? The sentence should start with "One crime was solved...". The original story also does not talk about how many crimes were prevented but mentions it is supposed to make people feel "safer", probably because people think CCTV will act as a deterent.

Comment "...automakers measured gas mileage by ..." (Score 1) 200

"What if automakers measured gas mileage by rolling their cars downhill with their engines idling?"

Actually, cars burns fuel while idling to keep the engine running and in some circumstances more than if driving depending on the air/fuel ratio mixture and injectors (for electronic fuel injection).

Comment Terminator was still popular? (Score 1) 834

The first movie came out in the 80s, the second one was a smashing success. The third one sucked and Arnie is Governor so couldn't care less about it anymore. Why was the rest going to be any good? My expectations for the movie coming out are low, the only reason worth seeing giving it a shot is for Christian Bale. How far can they take the story with the termniator franchise anyway?

Comment September 11 or real disasters mod? (Score 4, Insightful) 158

Is someone with lots of spare time, and I'm sure there's many, planning on modding the fire escape game with a realistic simulation of S11 where you have to escape the building? Or how about the Titanic disaster or other disasters for that matter? Coz you know how sick people are, they're play it just to see if they would make it and probably pay money for it too. If it worked for Leisure suit Larry this one's a winner.

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