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Comment Kind of. (Score 1) 531

I don't think it's a replacement for a multiplayer board game; the Family Game Night is in no danger But it would make a great platform for me to sit in my barcalounger and play Magic or Bloodbowl or Axis & Allies against my friends on the other side of the country. It's small enough to be portable and comfortable, but large enough to visualize the playfield manipulate the playing pieces. Smack talk would be a lot easier with a webcam, tho.

Comment Re:Citation needed (Score 2, Informative) 745

I found Android to be a great platform to develop on. The biggest hurdle was using Eclipse after being a Win32/Visual Studio dev for 10 years.

I was attracted to it by the lower cost of entry (I didn't have to buy an apple!) and the lack of a GateKeeper at the app store. The pleasant development framework was an added bonus. The smaller user population isn't as cool right now, but I haven't invested so much into it that I can't afford to wait while the market grows.

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