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Comment Re: god damn it (Score 2) 73

Laziness is a common cause for bugs.But whatever you call it:
The sum of all the mistakes made here adds up to gross incompetence.

You might expect this sort of bumbling from a student project.
You can occasionally find it in custom production solutions, but it is not reallty forgiveable. Anyone making IT solutions for a living really ought to not know better, or that they need to ask someon who knows better.
But from a professional provider of access control and payemt solutions?
Absolutely unbelievable.

Trusting self-reported locations for security?
Not checking credentials?
Vulnerability to replay attacks?

This is beyond sloppy. This is just plain dumb.
These people have no business making ANYTHING related to security. Which is basically everything.

Comment Re:Here's what I'm hearing... (Score 1) 113

"If drywall isn't made for manufacturing or transport, how in the world does it end up in my Home Depot?"

You're mixing up "made for manufacturing" and "manufactured".
Of course it is manufactured, but problematic for manufacturing ready-made walls in a factory. As opposed to putting it up by hand.

What I'm wondering is where I can get hold of some of that "lightweight steel". Sounds like a wonderful material.

Comment Re:"at it's best, it's ultimately customizable" (Score 3, Interesting) 408

And yet people have flocked to Chrome. There is no rational explanation for this

Not looking hard enough.
There are other qualities than customising that matter to many, even if they might not to you.
For me the biggies are:
* Solid versions for all the platforms I use, including my android mobile
* Smooth replication of bookmarks and other settings between them all with no extra effort/config from me
* Brilliant developer features on desktop version
* No-effort sso with google mail, maps, docs, and keep, all of which I use extensively

I respect the criticisms against chrome, and Google in general, but for me the convenience and fit with my life trumps it all.
If your situation and/or priorities are different, that is fine.

"people are generally stupid"

People are generally not you.

Comment Re:Seems like a lazy reader to me. (Score 1) 178

I realise that reading the entire first line of a summary may seem like an insurmountable hurdle, but were you to some day accomplish that monumental feat, you would find that it mentions production and transport, first even, right there starting at word no. 13.

And, yes, rotting food does contribute to warming too, because the methane produced is a much more potent greenhouse gas than the CO2 the carbon came from.

Comment Re:Good company culture leads to success. Bad cult (Score 3, Informative) 91

Anthropomorphism would be talking about culture between companies.
Company culture means the culture between the people within the company. Any group of people interacting over time constitutes a culture. This is just simple fact.

As long as there are people working together, there will be a culture there. Cultures can evolve to become surprisingly different from other groups with similar makeup and/or purpose. Culture is affected by everything from formal policies, the behaviour and attitude of people with formal power, the behaviour and attitude of people with informal influence in the group, and just the general makeup and history of the group and all they take with them. It will often change over time, but has an inherent inertia or even state: the same group with the same formal rules but a different "start" could function quite differently.

Many, many people have experienced the culture being wildly different at different companies, and seen that it affects not just the quality of life for employees but also the performance the company. Many people have changed companies because of the culture. Many people have left a job they used to like because the culture changed. Try telling them all it doesn't exist.

You could get lucky and get a fine internal culture by chance, but companies that ignore the effects of culture and their power to shape it do so at their peril.

The only thing that companies are supposed to do is to make money.

Supposed by whom? God? The government? The owners? Shouldn't that be up to them, not you?

Meaning and purpouse do not exist in the external universe. They are artifacts of the mind. Consequentially, they are make little sense without specifying whose mind we are talking about. Which one you pick changes everything.
When I take up a position with a company, MY purpouse with the company is what matters to ME.

Comment Re:Hypnosis (Score 1) 84

You're making an awful lot of assumptions about me. Especially for one interested in science.

Yes, it was the "any" part that I thought was wildly overshooting, exacerbated by the claim that this was well know fact.

I am fully aware og what hypnotism is.
I haven haven't been denying anything.
Keep your enemy-projections to yourself

Comment Re:Hypnosis (Score 1) 84

With clever use of hypnosis you can take over manual control of any previously assumed-to-be reflexive response in a target subject

Any? Really? Source?

I thought this was already a well-known scientific fact

Whatever made you think that?

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