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Submission + - The State vs Jehovah's Witnesses

CohibaVancouver writes: "There's an interesting legal battle brewing in British Columbia. In January, a woman in Vancouver gave premature birth to sextuplets. That's news in itself, but what's really interesting is that the parents are Jehovah's witnesses. Typically, in order to survive, 'preemies' need blood transfusions, and the parents have refused to allow them for religous reasons.

As a result, the state has been seizing the babies and giving them the transfusions so they have a better chance of survival. Once the transfusions are complete the babies are 'given back' to their parents.

The relationship between the parents and doctors are reported as 'strained' and now there's a court battle brewing to prevent the further seizing of the babies by the state.

Fascinating stuff. You can read more here: 07/02/01/sextuplet-transfusion-070201.html"

Submission + - The Most Important Aspects of Geek Culture

ender- writes: "In the course of pursuing a long-overdo college degree, I am attending the local community college. For my Business Communications class, we've been assigned to give a 4 to 5 minute speech on a 'Culture' we feel we are a part of, or which we find interesting. As I spend the majority of my time on Slashdot or playing around with computer hardware and software, I have chosen to do my speech on the culture of computer [or internet] geeks. I am interested in getting the opinions of the users of this fine website.

If given less than 5 minutes to describe computer geek culture to an audience which is mostly ignorant of geeks and technology, which aspects do you feel would be most important to hit upon? Social? Dress? Hobbies? Philosophies? Others? I'm not asking for anyone to write my speech! I would just like to know what geek concepts this group feels are important to communicate to the non-geek world."

Submission + - Preschool Education from a geek's point of view?

andres32a writes: "I currently own a preschool that attends to 150+ kids aged from 1 to 5 years old, located in Ecuador, South America. We do have some classes with the kids that gives them some interaction with a mouse and so on... and i might be able to write a program or two using perl and/or flash if neccesary. I'm looking for suggestions on how to use computer technology to "give these kids a leg up in life", so to speak. Any ideas on how to improve Preschool Education from a "geek's" point of view is appreciated."

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