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Comment Re: Torvalds being foul-mouthed again? News at 11. (Score 1) 1501

We are "professional" because it easier to encourage dialog when people are not afraid. Torvalds believes that he doesn't have to play by the rules because he is some Linux god and the rest of us can suck it. This is only true as long as the rest of us let him.

I really liked this part.

Comment Theory vs Application. (Score 1) 124

I don't see the practical application of something like this in a physical networked environment. Thinks like this may sound nice for permastudents' theses, but may or may not have a practical use without one hell of a architectural and best practices shift rather than just replacing a failed piece of equipment or rectifying a software issue and closing the ticket?

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The test of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts. -- Aldo Leopold
