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Comment Re:In before... (Score 1) 321

Wow. Copyright on my appearance. So, the next time I commit a burglary, and some surveillance cameras actually record me in the act, I can claim copyright on my appearance to have the evidence quashed. Sounds good to me!

Except you were filmed committing a crime and while trespassing will make your rights null and void.

People filmed with hidden camera and the recording used for entertainment - this requires a signed release from all recognizable persons, and is they don't have that, you can sue - and win big. This has happened several times and now nobody plays the odds and they all get the releases they need. Not always easy which is why you don't see that many hidden camera shows anymore.

Comment Re:In before... (Score 2, Insightful) 321

Actually - and this is important - the movie offends Muslims but obviously not as primary intent. As it is historically accurate it primarily offends due to it revealing some pretty painful truths, and the fact that some Muslims takes offense to pictures of Muhammad. Both of these reasons are exactly why movies like this *must* be available out there. People needs to know about the pedophile prophet and we must erode and tear down the idea about Muhammad not being pictured. That's what the Danish cartoons did, or tried to do. But we must repeat and repeat until they get desensitized enough to just accept it because it is all part of an elaborate smoke screen designed to hide core aspects of the religion from public review and debate. They insist on calling it a religion of peace but the middle east have been at war for a thousand years because of it, and now several areas in Africa has followed into the pit of completely stupid ethnic wars over religion with Islam as the prominent primary aggressor.

Comment Re:In before... (Score 1) 321

Actually you're missing the point yourself. The idea behind the Streisand Effect is to circumvent censorship, and ordering the removal of all copies is clear-cut censorship regardless of the motivation behind the removal. As censorship always must be fought on every level and with every means, it is essential that we spread as many copies of this move as far as possible so it will be easy to find it.

Comment Re:Old fashioned idea... (Score 1) 384

"You expert is an idiot"

Doesn't matter who the client is or what relationship there might be between that client and his so-called expert.

If it result is an argument, prove that the clients expert is an idiot and that he/she has wasted time and money for the client and possibly many others. You may still not get the client (or loose him/her) but you can be sure that idiot expert is also gonna be kicked out. You might even have lined yourself up to be the new expert which might be even better.

Comment Re:If you're going to use Canadian music for tortu (Score 1) 271

I would think that Celine Dion or Justin Bieber would be much more effective at breaking the will of even the most stanchly determined Jihadists.

Ug, those are pretty bad. Skinny Puppy is great stuff, I don't see how it could be used for torture. It couldn't be that effective...

Actually several tracks on "Bites", "Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse" and "Cleanse Fold and Manipulate" were created specifically with subsonics to enhance the feeling of darkness, depression and dread. The ever popular "Assimilate" (from "Bites") is one of them.

"...manifestations of a sort, so insidious off the point, simple solution never confusion, sport a gun kill a cop. Crazy world of weary thought, so receive me had enough, lock me up, lock me up... [...] ...Mutterings of death to bring, suffocate a newborn thing, degradation of an age, venereal it's all sensation, protect design the moral plan, infallible as propaganda, completely black, with no steps back..." (from "Assimilate")

Yup, I'm a long-time fan (of Skinny Puppy, not beta!)

Comment I don't like it (Score 1) 140

Sure, people should be allowed to be anonymous, but it should never be okay to pose as someone else, fictive or real.

All real-looking accounts should be real, and a special type of accounts should be created for anonymous following of sensitive topics, commenting etc. This way you could have a personal account for family, old classmates etc and an anonymous account (personal of course) for all the sensitive stuff.

Comment Re: I do not look forward to this. (Score 1) 336

I predict masks will make an enormous debut in fashion...

There's already moves afoot to make masks illegal. Seems they're often used by protesters.

They're already banned in Denmark for instance. Doesn't prevent people from wearing them but if they do, the police need no other reason to arrest and detain.

I'm sorry but I don't subscribe to the right to be anonymous in public. If you live in a small town, everybody will know you anyway and I cannot see why it would be a problem to be recognized in larger cities too. I know this is a cliché but if you behave normally and have nothing to hide, why fear being recognized? - If you do have something to hide, I'd recommend a nice little cabin somewhere way off the grid in rural Montana... If it's good enough for the Unabomber, then it's good enough for you... ;)

Comment Re:I do not look forward to this. (Score 1) 336

That kind of offenses should not even be registered as a sex offender offense.

Rape, kid abduction, kiddie-porn and similar - yup, those people doing that are real sex offenders.

All other may still have committed a crime related to sex, but they're not real sex offenders and should not be registered as such.

Comment The solution is obvious (Score 2) 157

Just open up for private companies to tow illegally parked cars and make money (huge fees) from the towing and storage of the vehicles. With hundreds of such companies hunting for illegally parked cars and thus money, the streets will be clear in no time, and all the parking assholes will have learned an expensive lesson. To prevent abuse all towing must be documented using photos showing the parking offense, a copy of which are sent to the offender.

Comment Re:On the contrary: (Score 3, Insightful) 276

Actually I treat 'forced' accounts on places like Adobe very differently than other places where I use passwords - basically I don't trust a company like that to be secure so I use a different password system there than elsewhere. My password were in the Adobe list, as were my business email, but I don't work for that company anymore so the email is obsolete, and the password... Well it won't be used elsewhere.

Comment Re:Great..... (Score 1) 112

Post 9/11 Denmark implemented a Terrorism Act in 2002 which included the ability to extradite Danish citizens from Denmark to the US for extremely serious offenses, terrorism in particular.

It has only been used once: To extradite a woman charged with being an accomplice to drug smuggling; she was dating a guy that smuggled drugs into Florida by boat. She was in the boat with him on several occasions, and yet there's no indication that she knew about the smuggling before he was arrested. An offense like this is not even a felony in Denmark and yet she was extradited to Florida. Fortunately for her the case was too old and the charges were dropped.

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