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Comment Re:You mean those smartphones (Score 1) 259

That was my first thought. In most places, mobile data pricing has dropped to the point where most people will pay for it and get reasonable coverage rather than hope for free WiFi. Free is still important and useful, but I don't think there's going to be any huge push for comprehensive coverage when the city is already full of mobile phone towers. It's quite possible that the window of oppportunity for that great idea has been and is now gone.


Comment Some pointless advice indeed (Score 1) 205

Or: Your privacy is only as good as the the aggregate social stupidity of your friends.

I created a bogus ID and my image has already been tagged numerous times by other people who know my fake name (so it pretty quickly becomes a rather thin alias). Unfortunately a social site that only has me on it is not very useful (unless I want to have the social life of John Kaczynski).

This reminds me of a recent Onion article:
        "Google Opt Out Feature Lets Users Protect Privacy By Moving To Remote Village"


Comment Because Belgium is cool enough (Score 1) 88

Old newss. Google already shift load globally to reduce electricty consumption for cooling and is probably more important than saving a few percent on electrity cost:

While Belgium is likely to be pretty expensive to live, I bet it's still cheaper than Iceland (though the whole country going titsup during the GFC may change that).

Comment Marketing Gimmicks & Flawed Analyses (Score 5, Insightful) 586

So let me get this straight.

The best way to improve keying accuracy is to create even more derivative keyboard layouts?

I'd guess the del key might even afford to be *smaller* as it is used more often and hence more easily remembered.

I would have had a bit more sympathy if the article had said they'd placed it in a more accessible location ala space bar (rather than off to one side of the main keymap).

Maybe they could create a "Lenovo" key to sit between the "Windows" key and a new "Dave was here!" key. Then I can loan them my 16 button hexdecimal mouse[1].

[1] Otherwise known as a digitizing puck

Wireless Networking

Submission + - CSIRO v. HP Wi-Fi settlement

xixax writes: There has been a settlement in the long ongoing lawsuit over wireless patents claimed by CSIRO. No-one seems to be telling what the terms of the settlement were but the headline describes it as a CSIRO win, suggesting that the patents stand.

Comment And Where's the TCO? (Score 1) 858

TCO used to be a mantra. So if Linux is free, it's infinitely better right? (div/0)

I am a Linux geek, but my daily driver is a Mac because it never breaks. But according to this I should trade my uber reliable Toyota for a Yugo because it's cheaper. Why don't Toyota make cheap, nasty, unreliable, dangerous cars???

Move along, nothing to see here...


Comment Social network can-o-worms (Score 4, Insightful) 108

Are there really any surprises here? Social networks behave a lot like the Internet, with many routes pointing to your front door.

For example, use whatever falese names you want. Your email address makes a dandy primary key squirreled away in all your friends mailboxes, just waiting for Facebook to Hoover it up and join the dots.

Your privacy and anonymity is defined by the aggregate social stupidity of your friends.


Comment Medieval Stealth (Score 4, Informative) 597

Agreed. Plus, GPS devices should be outlawed -- terrorists could use them to navigate in lieu of maps. Actually, history books, almanacs, encyclopedias, these all tell terrorists what we care about. Those should be outlawed too. Plus the internet, which allows them to communicate, and possibly phones, the mail system, UPS, FedEx and other courier services. Then maybe we can finally feel safe!

Maybe the senator should move to Afghanistan and team up with the Taliban. Their ends goals of a meedieval society are remarkably consistent. Maybe that was the Taliban's plan all along!

Interestingly, be careful taking GPS to China. You need special approval from the government or you get arrested for espionage. Maybe here's a model for California?


Comment Kids and computers in advertising? Hardly new (Score 1) 435

Though I can't find it, I remember reading about an "ease of use" challenge back in the 80's where on the day, Apple surprised the other contenders by nominating a kid as their user (where the other brand name PC people had senior engineers and the like). The Mac romped it in (from box to boot).

I wonder if MS has subconciously recycled this promotional concept?

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