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Comment Chess grandmasters and Techies (Score 1) 629

Chess grandmasters typically in their late teens when they achieve grandaster status, peak in their mid twenties, and retire before their 40th. Their job requires experience, but it is a kind of experience that they start accumulating in early childhood. An 18 year old grandmaster typically has over 10 years of experience. The returns on experience diminish very sharply.

Doctors typically keep improving with experience and peak much closer to the end of their career. You learn the tricks of the trade in college and by doing it at work. Doctors typically start gaining experience in their mid to late 20s. Though they do have to stay up to date with new developments, their experience and knowledge typically do not become obsolete, so it accumulates. The returns on experience diminish very slowly.

My hunch is that Techies, especially programmers, are more like Chess players than like Doctors. Our 22 year old intern has over 12 years of coding experience. I started coding around the same age as he did, but almost everything I learned in the first 20 years is obsolete now, except for the basic principles - which our intern learned in college. The returns on experience diminish very sharply.

Comment Re:Just run around waving your arms in panic (Score 1) 495

Something built today isn't necessarily still going to be prime real estate 100 years from now. Another spot, further inland may be more important then.

Running around screaming "help we're about to drown" because the spot you're standing in today may be under water 100 years later, which is essentially what the OP was doing, doesn't make sense unless you're a tree. 100 years is ample time to adapt to very big changes.

Comment Re:Just run around waving your arms in panic (Score 1) 495

Did you know the earth used to have an atmosphere of Ammonia and Methane and when oxygen producing bacteria and plankton became widespread it almost froze the planet? (...) The point about Methane Hydrates and Siberian permafrost is a big deal and there isn't much hyperbole you could add to a point that "in a few years, you could quadruple the yearly release of organic gases."

My point is, 10k years ago, at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition, these same methane hydrates and vast permafrost areas existed several thousand km closer to the equator, after having had 100k years to build up. They were exposed, mostly melted (though there is still some fossil permafrost left deep under ground), so the events you describe are not unique. Over the past 2.5 million years, they must have happened, first every 40k years, then every 120k years.

There is no evidence that the earth ever had an ammonia and methane atmosphere, or even a reducing atmosphere, and you're comparing the recent geologic past with a period some 800-650 million years ago! Snowball earth having been caused by microbial activity is a theory I've only seen mentioned on slashdot.

You're not hurting your position at all with such statements; your whole world view is stupid and shortsighted and is an embarrassment to all future generations who will learn that some people in our era thought this way as they suck air through respirators and fight with transvestite warlords who go on killing sprees for a few tanks of gas. Now THAT IS HYPERBOLE!

You don't know anything about my world view, presumptuous little man. Re: your other insightful post - I have never eaten a big mac or driven an SUV. How about you?

Comment Re:Just run around waving your arms in panic (Score 5, Informative) 495

You're outer category delusional.

The projected sea level rise is up to about a meter by the year 2100. Not in the form of a sudden tidal wave arriving next tuesday, but a few milimeters per decade.
Think of the world 100 years ago. Think how different agriculture was then, how different cities were. A century is a very long time on the scale of a human life and culture.

Let's adapt to a potentially global and humankind-annihiliating catastrophy once the methane under ice in Siberia starts to melt and gets released to the atmosphere. It's already bubbling out, you can see it with your eyes.

Earth will go on, some life possibly will also go on but humans are facing the business end of a shotgun at the moment.


You're harming your cause with such extreme and patently ridiculous alarmism. Did you know that up to the start of the Pleistocene, there were no permanent ice caps on either pole? Was the earth in the Pliocene an uninhabitable wasteland? We are living in the Holocene interglacial stage of an ice age today. Today's climate isn't the norm, it isn't the only climate in which life is possible. In fact, every species alive today, except for perhaps a handful of human domesticated crops, already existed during the last ice age, and lived through the transition. Before you bring up the standard response about the rate of climate change being completely unique in the history of the earth, this too is false. The transition from the last glacial to the Holocene interglacial was just as sudden. Vast subarctic tundras, built up over a period of 100,000 years (the duration of the last glaciation) thawed and became exposed (in fact, some of it is still frozen deep under the surface in central Europe!).

The environment is facing a number of terrible human induced crises - primarily habitat loss, over-fishing, and pollution. Yes, many species will disappear by the end of the century, even if the climate stops changing today, even if the climate goes back to the way it was before the industrial revolution. If you live long enough, you will find that a slight increase in temperature will have been a minor influence compared to these things.

Comment Stand your ground (Score 1) 926

As to stand your ground laws and yurpians: nowhere in Europe will you find a duty-to-retreat law. If you want to be more like Europe, have stand your ground laws everywhere (but without so many guns)

If you harm an attacker while defending yourself, a court will judge whether it was proportional (decapitating someone for poking your with a finger would not be proportional) and necessary (after disarming and disabling an attacker, killing him anyway would be considered excessive). If so, you'll be aquitted.

Comment Solar time (Score 1) 462

Your plan is called solar time, and it is the way time was kept before the development of mechanical clocks. The day would be divided into 12 hours at any time of year, and the length of day hours and night hours would change with the seasons.


Comment Re:Wutend (Score 1) 280

Consider, fellow Americans, what goes if Germany goes. That's NATO and the EU. That's all our happy European client states cheerily playing along when Washington wants to force the President of Bolivia's plane down and search it. That's an economy bigger than ours, a continent whose population is much bigger than ours, suddenly not playing ball with us any more and pushing back hard on everything.

They're not going anywhere. Europeans, tired of having to be afraid of each other, are almost completely demilitarized. Without NATO, they're defenseless. Without US intelligence, they're blind to anything that happens outside their borders. Their economy may be big, but since it isn't unified, it cannot use this size for any political clout.They'd have to increase their military spending to American levels, which they can't afford, and pool their armed forced together, which I don't see them doing any time soon, and even then it would take decades to catch up even with their neighbors (you know who). They'll make some indignant noises, get some hollow apologetic noises back in return, and nothing much will change in practice.

Their leaders will be more careful with what they discuss over the phone, and Obama will not be invited for a friendly BBQ again, which he won't shed a tear about. I don't see much else changing.

Comment Re:Shocking (Score 1) 267

I think your mistake is assuming the likes of Germany and France are allies of the US.

There was never a relationship approaching equality, nor particularly close cultural ties like with the English speaking countries, just at one time a common enemy. With the disappearance of the Warsaw pact and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Germany's location isn't as strategic anymore, and since the Europeans have lost their ability to project military power overseas, they currently are of little strategic use to the US. Asian partners are more important right now.

What both Germany and France are, are major players in a competing bloc (in the economic sense, militarily there is no competition), each with a large population of disaffected Muslim youths.

Comment Re:Why is iPad so much better than iPhone? (Score 1) 471

did you really say that Android is on borrowed time??

that's just utterly ridiculous...even if Google stopped work on it today, the OS community and the huge worldwide installed userbase would keep it going forever, just like Linus did with unix.

Android is going to be with us forever.

I'd top that with an even bolder statement: in 10 years time, unless something totally unforseeable happens, 'mobile' will mean 'Samsung gadget running Android' much the same way desktop computer meant Wintel up to only a few years ago, with maybe a upper single digit market share for Apple serving a hipster niche.

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