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Comment Shouldn't be hard to make! (Score 1) 327

I'm curious how this will be all that much different than an ipod nano mounted on a permanent wrist band. Outside of playing music and maybe voice based services such as maps or Siri (assuming cell data)I don't see the point over an actual iPhone based on screen size. Something that fits a wrist is not going to be great at reading text efficiently.

Maybe they can ship a free iMonocle with it.

Comment Re:reluctant? (Score 1) 138

Netflix, hulu, amazon video, itunes, history channel .com, comedy central .com, etc.

There are plenty of ways to get content legally for prices that are tiny compared to what the cable companies or direct tv offer. I only have an internet package and then pay for netflix and occasionally use the free hulu. My girlfriend has itunes and amazon video and we don't miss tv.

People have no problem paying for content; It is the extra $50 to $100 a month plus commercials that many don't see worth whatever extra value they provide over the above services.

Comment Internet only? (Score 1) 138

Due to some life problems I had to move quickly on the cheap. I ended up in time warner territory and had no problem ordering 15Mb internet for $29.99 a month sans tv or phone. Of course, time warner has jacked up the price to $43.99 but that plus netflix at $7.99 is still better than the $100 for a tv/internet package.

Comment Re:2nd story about how cell copmanies suck today. (Score 1) 317

A corrupt corporation can load food up with stuff to make it more profitable, dump its waste illegally, etc. There are plenty of things that corporations have done over the years to fuck things up for more than their customers. The BP oil spill would be a recent one...

Comment Interesting but I suspect its a symptom (Score 1) 158

It is an interesting concept however it does appear to have some easily named exceptions as others have pointed out. It also though has a lot of overlap with reproduction selectivity (r/K theory). Namely animals with shorter lifespans breed quicker and have more offspring than animals that live longer and have longer gestation periods.

Think about it... you have an elephant which takes nearly 2 years to come to term, it would make no sense to have a 10 year life cycle. Instead, they can live 60-70 years. Think dogs and cats. Cats have anywhere from 2-4 kittens on average; dogs 6-10 puppies. Cats can live easily 20-30 years, dogs 10-20. Which one is bigger? Then again, wolves tend to have smaller litters and breed less often than dogs so maybe we tinkered with that.

So I guess my point is he has stumbled upon something (which may already be known according to other posters) but that it heavily overlaps with other theories. Now maybe size does play into r/K theory. From a high level view you have things like elephants, whales, humans and other large mammals that breed rarely and live long. Also I suppose its difficult to compare mammal verse reptile here. A tortoise lives a long time and lays many eggs but thats kind of how reptiles work. I don't know that it is a valid exception since it has reasons for not investing in raising children and to take a shot gun approach to it.

Comment Re:Ethics for veggies (Score 1) 260

I'm a carnivore but for some reason tend to only date vegans and vegetarians. While I agree with most of your post what I've found is that it often is better to not share cooking utensils between meat and whatever veggie dish I make for them. The reason tends to be their inability to comfortably digesting meat and the issues it causes (stomach ache, etc). My girlfriend has never eaten meat intentionally (parents were vegetarian) and gets quite sick having it as her stomach ecosystem is not prepared.

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