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Comment What if I don't WANT to have a long life? (Score 3, Interesting) 213

Seriously ... what if I don't *want* to have a long life? There are a lot of old people out there who are bored, lonely, and too healthy to have any hope of dying anytime soon. That's a worse fate than having a decent life and then dying before it starts to suck. I'm 47 now, and everything is fantastic -- family, career, home, etc. Ideally, I would like to die at 52, but I'd like to have unlimited 5-year extensions available. I don't want to find myself sitting around at 80 with nothing to do and wishing I was dead. I'd rather *be* dead.

Comment Re:And so it begins (Score 1) 588

There is a lot of anti-CoC sentiment right now, and a lot of projects are writing ad hoc "Code of Merit" type statements. I suspect one will eventually rise to the top and become common. And so FOSS will become us-vs-them politics just like everything else. We might even end up with two separate open source communities, a right one and a left one. Geez.

Comment Linus and RMS should team up (Score 1) 588

Linus should fork the kernel and team up with RMS to finally officially unite the kernel with the GNU project. Then the Linux Foundation which has fallen to social justice communists would be left out in the cold, while GNU with its official kernel (perhaps "GNU Freax") would run away with the world.

Comment Why only autonomous lawnmowers? (Score 1) 215

Why are they only complaining about the autonomous "robot" lawnmowers? A lawnmower pushed or piloted by a human is going to bisect that hedgehog just as much as one driven by a computer. Anyone who's ever piloted a riding mower through tall grass knows that you're not going to see an object in the grass -- whether it's a small animal or an inanimate object (kids toys etc) -- until after the blades have busted it up.

Comment Search where I want to search. (Score 1) 77

I think that somewhere around 100% of the time, when someone does a search, they know whether they want to search their computer or the Internet. No one asked for "unified" search. We want to search our computers (and it has to f.....g *work*) *or* we want to search the web. Never both. If I click "search" on my computer, I want to find something on my computer. Usually I know it's there but I don't remember where I put it. If I want to search the web I'll bring up DuckDuckGo. There are NO practical use cases for "unified" search.

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