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Comment Re:Good (Score 2) 477

Because those are the only two possible choices we could make here.

Unfortunately, yes. "Over-regulated bureaucratic tyranny" and "Unregulated plutocratic tyranny" are both strong attractors in our economic phase-space. Any attempt to compromise between them is basically flipping a coin to see which one you wind up with - and if the coin lands on-edge you wind up with an over-regulated bureaucratic tyranny serving unregulated plutocratic masters.

Good luck!

Comment Re:Don't bother. (Score 1) 509

So, you are saying boxer B never fought?

I'm saying people will generally treat Boxer B as if he never fought, compared to how they treat Boxer A.

Maybe you treat your friends, your allies, and your heroes like their effort matters, but for everyone else, the Fundamental Attribution Error is the fallback of choice.

Comment Re:Depression is weird (Score 4, Interesting) 257

When you are depressed you are supposed to have lower mental activity, and yet some of the most brilliant people have been known to be clinically depressed [citation not needed]. So then, if depression sometimes comes with brilliance, what gives?

Here's a weird analogy that seems roughly accurate:

Being depressed is like being perpetually out of gas. You just can't *do* anything.

Now, your average person's brain is a typical Honda 90 horsepower engine. Good gas mileage, terrible performance.

Your average genius's brain is like a Ferrari V8 - super-high performance, but at the cost of needing a LOT more fuel.

If everyone's getting the same amount of emotional 'fuel' from their friends, family, culture, society etc., who's going to run out first?

Comment Getting Away With Things (Score 1) 172

You clearly have a knack for doing outrageous, dangerous, or even illegal things and getting away with them, while others would get pinched.

What do you attribute that to? Why do you think you've managed to violate so many laws, customs, and mores and get away with it, compared to your average resident of San Quentin?

Comment Re:It's not arrogant, it's correct. (Score 1) 466

And yet, AT&T wants more money because they think they have the right to charge Netflix more to pass through their tollbooth.

- it's not their 'tollbooth', it's their road. On a road you can charge different rates for different types of vehicles, this is the same situation. An eighteen wheeler can cause more damage to the road that requires more maintenance than a motorcycle, this is the same thing: a movie that needs to be streamed a million times takes up much more capacity and energy and basically uses the system much more than millions of small individual requests do.

See, I even used an appropriate car analogy.

Wait, the internet is back to being like a truck? I thought it was a series of tubes.

Comment Re:That IS good news! (Score 1) 46

what if I told you that they don't even do most of the spying via these phone records, the real surveillance was all being done with satellites and radar, including a technology called TAMI or Thought Amplifier and Mind Interface, which was patented in 1974, and deployed in all radar in 1976? Today they are using this during black operations to extract your thought, passcodes, images, and sound from your mind, humming to the tune of 1.4 terabytes per second, and this is all being stored in bits and pieces in the DODs databases.

What if I told you that the mechanism you've described is physically impossible at the ranges you've described? Would you invoke some kind of captured alien technology to double-down on your claim?

You should watch "Mirage Men". The sorts of crazy that you're propagating has been proven, time and again, to come from the very government offices you're claiming are reading our thoughts.

Also, let's say you're somehow right, there's physical laws we don't know about, and this sort of Fortean weirdness is possible.

None of it ever ended. You have never had privacy. The 4th amendment doesn't mean shit to these losers. They are watching you in your home right now, listening to everything you think and do. Time to start from scratch .. and we need a new investigation to find out how far this really goes.

If anything you're saying were true, starting from scratch would be IMPOSSIBLE. The moment anyone even THOUGHT of a solution, the very thought would be thrown into that DOD database and people would move to stop it, BEFORE THE THOUGHT COULD EVEN BE COMMUNICATED.

If you're right, then those evil government mind-readers must WANT you to say what you just said, because if you didn't, they would have read your intent to post this message and moved to stop you.

Please follow through the implications of your own claims more thoroughly, and ask yourself "if this was true, would the world look like this?".

Comment Re:Are we not advanced enough to use UTC Time? (Score 5, Funny) 310

You advocate a

( ) lunisolar ( ) atomic ( ) metric ( ) Luddite (x) overly simplistic
approach to calendar reform. Your idea will not work. Here is why:

( ) solar years are real and the calendar year needs to sync with them
(x) solar days are real and the calendar day needs to sync with them
( ) the solar year cannot be evenly divided into solar days
( ) the solar day cannot be evenly divided into SI seconds
( ) the length of the solar day is not constant

( ) the lunar month cannot be evenly divided into solar days
( ) the solar year cannot be evenly divided into lunar months
( ) having months of different lengths is irritating
( ) having months which vary in length from year to year is maddening
( ) having one or two days per year which are part of no month is stupid
( ) your name for the thirteenth month is questionable

( ) the lunar month cannot be evenly divided into seven-day weeks
( ) the solar year cannot be evenly divided into seven-day weeks
( ) every civilisation in the world is settled on a seven-day week
( ) having one or two days per year with no day of the week is asinine

( ) requiring people to manually adjust their clocks is idiotic
( ) local time should not be discontinuous
( ) local time should not go backwards
( ) people like to go to work/school at the same time every day all year round
( ) "daylight saving" doesn't

( ) UTC already solves that problem
( ) zoneinfo already solves that problem
( ) rearranging time zones yet again would make the zoneinfo database larger,
        not smaller
(x) the date shouldn't change in the middle of the solar day
(x) local "midnight" should be the middle of the local night
( ) I shouldn't need to adjust my wristwatch every few miles

( ) there needs to be a year 0 and negative year numbers
( ) no, we don't know what year the Big Bang happened
( ) years which count down instead of up are not very funny
( ) planetary-scale engineering is impractical
( ) not every part of the world has four recognisable seasons
( ) "sunrise" and "sunset" are meaningless terms at the poles
( ) the Earth is not, in fact, a cube
( ) high-tech applications need far more accuracy than your scheme allows
( ) leap seconds have been a fact of life for more than forty years
( ) leap seconds are more frequent than leap years
( ) TAI already solves that problem
( ) most of history can't be renumbered with atomic accuracy
( ) everybody in the world is already used to sexagesimal time divisions
( ) date formats need to be unambiguous
( ) abbreviated date formats should be possible and still unambiguous
( ) date arithmetic needs to be as easy as possible
( ) 13-digit numbers are difficult for humans to compare, even qualitatively
Specifically, your plan fails to account for:

(x) humans
( ) clocks
( ) computers
( ) the Moon
( ) the inconsistent rotational and orbital characteristics of Earth
( ) rational hatred for arbitrary change
( ) unpopularity of weird new month and day names
( ) total incompatibility with the SI second
( ) general relativity
and the following philosophical objections may also apply:

( ) technically, our calendar is already atomic
( ) they tried that in France once and it didn't take
( ) nobody is about to renumber every event in history
( ) good luck trying to move the Fourth of July
( ) nobody cares what year you were born
( ) the history of calendar reform is horrifically complicated and no amount of
        further calendar reform can make it simpler
Furthermore, this is what I think about you:

( ) sorry, but I don't think it would work
( ) this is a stupid idea, and you're a stupid person for suggesting it
(x) please just shut up and fix your broken date/time code

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