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Comment Re:Paver Stones on the Road to Single-Payer (Score 1) 637

At least I have control over my elected officials. I have no control over the people running my insurance company.

The whole idea of profiting from denying healthcare is abhorrent. The government-run programs at least remove most of that.

But of course, this is just a red herring -- ObamaCare doesn't actually remove this function (or profits, except for profits over 20%) from the insurance companies.

Comment Re:A cynic's view (Score 1) 637

George W Bush: started 2 wars on false pretenses

While I agree that W and Cheney are war criminals (failing to treat POWs as required by the Geneva Conventions), I'm failing to come up with a 2nd war started on false pretenses. Iraq is obvious. But the other major war -- Afghanistan -- was in retaliation for harboring the 9/11 terrorists. I have no problem with having gone into that war. I actually had a problem with the war in Iraq getting in the way of eradicating the terrorists in Afghanistan. (Both of which lead the creation of more terrorists than we eliminated.)

Can you please explain the 2nd war started on false pretenses?

Comment Re:Eh (Score 1) 637

Generally speaking, the NHS is fantastic when anything life-threatening happens, but after care can be crap

That's pretty much the situation in the private healthcare market in the USA as well. Doctors are good at immediate needs, but not so good at managing longer-term health issues. They typically just put you on medications for anything long term.

Comment Re:Real prices vs. fantasy prices (Score 1) 533

I'd bet they are good +/- 50% of the figures he is quoting. He did a pretty good job of coming up with a price on the Falcon 1/5 as well as the Tesla Roadster back when people like you were saying he was a nut case that didn't have a clue what he was doing with those vehicles.

The Tesla Roadster was supposed to cost $80k, but ended up at about $110k. So about a 40% cost overrun on that.

Comment Re:I-75? (Score 1) 533

BART ... transbay tube ... was the only direct link to the east bay after Loma Prieta because the Bay Bridge broke.

Uh, the San Mateo bridge is a direct link to the East Bay. Maybe out of the way for many, but still useful for a lot of folks. The Dumbarton bridge is also a direct link, but even less useful for most.

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