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Comment Re: Scapegoat? (Score 1) 190

Yes, they did accept the risk, by crossing the road not at an intersection in the face of oncoming traffic. Did they think it was a likely outcome? No.

The pedestrian certainly shares some of the blame, it would be very hard to argue otherwise. But it simply isn't relevant. Based on the dash cam video, the collision was precisely 100% avoidable.

Comment Re: Huh? (Score 2) 190

Wrong; they disabled the manufacturers auto-breaking system and replaced it with one of their lown.

This is the way I understand it as well. I believe Volvo's technology would have stopped the car in plenty of time to avoid the pedestrian. Uber's didn't even try, not even when the pedestrian was only a few feet away. Not even a blip on the radar. It is outrageous that Uber put such blatantly disfunctional technology on a public road at all.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 190

The problem here wasn't that the vehicle was experimental. It was that the safety driver was not doing their job.

Nonsense. The problem here was that the technology was obviously not tested sufficiently to be safe on a public road. Self driving technology that cannot discern, and then stop for or otherwise avoid an obstacle, is absolutely not ready to be operated on a public road, with or without a back up driver. The failure of the back up system is a secondary problem.

Comment Re:Was it just me, or... (Score 1) 103

Not "what's a bioga", but "what are bioga". Bioga is plural for a number of individual biog. Biogs is singular for a [semi-]autonomous group or community of biog. It is OK to ask "what are bioga", but be careful with such terminology as "what's the matter with you biogs", or "I'm on the prowl for some biog ass."

Comment Re:Simple answer (Score 3, Insightful) 222

Yep. You can use it crack certain cryptography problems faster; problem though, the algorithm scales differently and doubling the key size makes it much harder to crack. Whereas, using traditional brute force on regular computers, doubling the key size only helps a little bit.

Is it opposite day? I must have missed the tweet.

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