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Comment Re:Sounds nice (Score 2) 156

but but but but it does more than one thing, its not the Unix Way ...

That's what you guys have always misunderstood about emacs. It's really an operating system that merely looks like an editor.

Comment Re:Easy to solve - calibrate them to overestimate (Score 1) 398

You're not even supposed to run the amber, never mind the red.

Incorrect. When you see light turning yellow, you are suppose to stop when it is safe to do so, otherwise proceed through the intersection.

If you're seeing Green, what's going to come up next? Yellow. So if you see Green, immediately start to decelerate. If you see Yellow, next to come up is Red, and you may wrongly assume you're going to be given a chance to do anything about it. Oh yeah, that's what seeing Green's all about.

If you see Red, now's your chance to gamble and be an a$$hole because Green's coming up ... sometime.

Comment Re:I am not going to convert (Score 1) 245

If something is working, there's no point in trying to break it.

If something is working, that's the incentive to try to break it. If it survives the attempt, it deserves the respect. If it doesn't (breaks), it gets better (fixed), or replaced. Progress.

I'd like to define this as the Dirty Harry Principle. "Did I fire six shots, or only five?" "Hey man, I gots to know!"

He wants to know *so much* that he's willing to die in order to find out.

Comment Re:Umm, what? (Score 1) 245

I swear, none of you people understand the meaning of the words "neoconservative/fringe libertarian nutbar after that business with the skyscrapers in '01."

It's just mind fwap & etc. Tea Partier == libertarian == GOP == conservative == WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!

You're shallow as panes of glass! Think. Think harder! Concepts mean something. Don't listen to what MSM wants you to think of. THINK for yourselves!!!

I'm a libertarian, and your definition of what that word means is woefufully INADEQUATE, to say the least.

Do some fscking basic research, then speak.

I'm not a Tea Partier, and you can't imagine how insulting that is to me!

Comment Re:Umm, what? (Score 1) 245

... sounds like some rogue guy who wants to fork every project using CVS or SVN and stick them on Github or something.

Problem? Did you even bother to read the summary?

I'm just kidding, tee hee! :-) This's the sorta !@#$ we opensauce [sic] free software people do. Enjoy the ride. It's good for the soul.

Aaron, sleep in peace.

Comment Re:This should have been a no brainer (Score 1) 114

Damn. I'm a bit conflicted.

Mods, thanks for the upvotes. On the other hand, it's a little sad that got upvoted. On the third (?) hand, yeah, but it's a correct and true statement ("Information is power."). On the fourth (!!!!!) hand, damn, it's nice to see that Game of Thrones AC modded down to zero. "Power is power!", my ass! I hope I'm not getting to deep for you. I often tend toward that, sorry. Meh.

May I say, GoT really sucks! Vampires and monsters, rapes at the drop of a hat, Machiavellian tyrants, ... Boring. Get a life! Firefly made far more sense.

Uh. This is where I need to say something insightful to remain relevant. I'm busy slurping Carlos Santana off youtube, and wondering HTF I missed so many Pink Floyd album releases (I guess I was working, or something).

Why's James Comey bitching about crypto when the FBI's website recommends crypto?


Information is power.

Comment Re:You had my curiosity... (Score 3, Funny) 245

ESR says he'll match funds toward the purchase of the needed hardware, so if you want to help drive him into bankruptcy, now's your chance.

Now you have my attention.

Not a bad way to go out if you think about it. Assume ESR in his doctor's office: "You have three months to live."

"Cool! I'm going to instigate a full on crapfest buying spree fueled by my "GeekNation." We'll pre-order *everything* Intel, Foxconn, and Cisco are going to produce in the next two decades, I'll be long dead once the bills start to roll in, and Western Civilization will collapse into a black hole of insolvency before anyone realizes what's going on. Suck it PRC bastards! I'll be bigger than Hitler!!! Woohoo!"

<Dilbert>Was that better or worse? I don't know how to tell.</Dilbert> # PHB: "You don't show enough passion for your job."

[A bit over the top, I admit, but we are discussing ESR.]

Comment Re:Astronomical events use UNIVERSAL TIME (Score 1) 33

might as well post it in Jovian Decimal Time, then ...

How about we define the Great Red Spot to be Jovian "Greenwich." Correct if I'm wrong, but last I heard all of Earth would fit into the GRS. Oooh, complication. So much for granularity. Not to mention, the existence of Jovians is yet to be proved, so wtf would anyone want Jovian time zones?

[Good book: "Galileo's Dream" actually touches on this (tangentially).]

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