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Submission + - 5 things you didn't know about Java Database Conne

IndioMan writes: JDBC, or Java Database Connectivity, is one of the most frequently used packages in the entire JDK, and yet few Java developers use it to its fullest — or most up-to-date — capacity. This article offers an introduction to newer JDBC features like ResultSets that automatically scroll and update on the fly, Rowsets that can work with or without an open database connection, and batch updates that can execute multiple SQL statements in one fast trip around the network.

Submission + - The Power of the UNIX Command-Line

IndioMan writes: One of the most novel and differentiating features of a UNIX system is its command line. With just a few keystrokes, including a bit of "glue", you can use the command line to combine the finite set of UNIX utilities into innumerable, impromptu data transforms. These articles will teach you the basics of the UNIX shell and discover how you can use the command line:

Submission + - High availability with the Linux DRBD

IndioMan writes: The 2.6.33 Linux kernel has introduced a useful new service called the DRBD — Distributed Replicated Block Device. This service mirrors an entire block device to another networked host during run time, permitting the development of high-availability clusters for block data. Explore the ideas behind the DRBD and its implementation in the Linux kernel.

Submission + - Free Download of Rational Team Concert

IndioMan writes: Get a free download of IBM Rational Team Concert is a complete agile collaborative development environment providing agile planning, source code management, work item management, build management, and project health, along with integrated reporting and process support.

Submission + - Modify and extend powerful Vim Scripting

IndioMan writes: Vimscript is a mechanism for reshaping and extending the Vim editor. Scripting allows you to create new tools, simplify common tasks, and even redesign and replace existing editor features. Start with Part 1 and get the basic elements of Vimscript. In Part 2 learn how to create and deploy new functions in the Vimscript. In Part 3 Explore Vimscript's support for lists and arrays.

Submission + - OpenID for Java Web applications, Part 1

IndioMan writes: Walk through the steps of incorporating OpenID into a sample Java application. Rather than implement the OpenID Authentication specification by hand, author J. Steven Perry uses the openid4java library and a popular OpenID provider, myOpenID, to create a safe and reliable registration process for a Java application written in Wicket.

Submission + - Location-aware search with Apache Lucene and Solr

IndioMan writes: Recently, however, the popular open source search library, Apache Lucene, and the powerful Lucene-powered search server, Apache Solr, have added spatial capabilities. Lucene and Solr committer Grant Ingersoll walks you through the basics of spatial search and shows you how to leverage its capabilities to power your next location-aware application.

Submission + - Android & iPhone wars: Using HTML5, CSS, &

IndioMan writes: Learn how to developing browser-based apps for iPhone and Android. In Part 1, we introduce WebKit, the browser engine at the heart of iPhone and Android. Part 2 digs deeper by building a network management application that runs on both the iPhone and Android browsers. The app demos browser-local SQL storage and Ajax, key techs that enable a rich app experience from within the mobile browser. Additionally, the app leverages the popular jQuery JavaScript library.

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