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Comment Re:Whatabout we demand equal time of our views ins (Score 3, Interesting) 667

1/3 of American Christians do think the bible should be taken literally, according to various polls. 56% think the bible should "have a greater role in society", yet - 57% didn't read the bible at all the year the poll was taken. 75% of people in the USA think the bible is the word of god, or inspired by god.

If you accept the Bible to be the "word of god", and most Americans do, then you are NOT taking it metaphorically. But, on the other hand most Americans haven't actually read the whole bible and only hear the "good" parts in church, as selected by their pastor. The evidence is overwhelming that most USA christians have a simple, literal, or almost literal, belief in the bible. They are not taking it metaphorically.

Once you decide that the bible should be taken "metaphorically" how does one decide what it really means? How does one decide which parts should be ignored? How does one decide which parts are good? It appears that most theologians are using rational, post enlightenment ideals, to cherry pick the good parts from the bible, and explaining away the parts that are evil, or contradicted by science as metaphor. Once you start down this path you are pretty close not needing the bible at all for your moral outlook, and discarding the iron age myths in favour of modern secular morals will seem a sensible step.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 334

Since when has being beyond an evolutionary incentive had anything to do with morality. We vaccinate our children, wash our hands, build sewage treatment plants, etc... all of which subvert evolution. If you can make peoples lives better and longer it is right to do so.

"Death is wrong" is a silly thing to say philosophically because wrong and right only apply to the actions and decisions of sentient being, like humans, not the actions of natural forces like earthquakes and senescence.

I DO want to beat death because I like living and experiencing. If I could live forever I would. I'd settle for a few thousand years.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 334

Why is transhumanism a fantasy? Our consciousness arises from the functioning of our physical brain and if we can duplicate that functioning in a machine then we can live much, much longer than we live know.

I concede we are a long ways from the technology to duplicate human consciousness in a machine, but it isn't a fantasy.

Comment Re: Whatever (Score 4, Insightful) 529

Divisive? If your neighbors were trying to teach everyone that children should dress in black and play on highways at night would you call it divisive to point that isn't a good idea?

All the benefits of religion can be had from secular means that don't encourage magical thinking, which has a long track record of having numerous bad side affects.

Comment Re:i interpret it to mean (Score 1) 497

Ignorance is easily cured in people without faith by teaching them. Ignorance in the faithful is often immune to any teaching that contradicts the person's faith.

Thus, faith is the enemy of science, not ignorance.

Even thinking that having faith is a good idea means that your whole outlook on the way the world and reality works is at odds with science.

Comment Re:How can drivers protect themselves.... (Score 1) 664

..that electronic crap...

Well, I haven't seen such a proud display of ignorance for quite some time. Modern cars are so much more reliable, powerful, fuel efficient and safe due to all that "electronic crap". Fuel, injection, engine timing, gear shifts. etc... are all control electronically on most new cars. You can make an automatic transmission a lot smarter if you have software determining shifts instead of fluid pressure.

Comment Re:Go Amish? (Score 1) 664

The average driver isn't that good, and the computer driven car only has to be better than how people drive. In the USA about 30,000 people die each year in car accidents, and many more are injured. I'm betting driver error was the cause of 90% of these accidents.

Computer driven cars are going to save lives, reduce congestion, and save money.

Comment Re:Debt (Score 2) 467

Man, the USA is weird. All this talk about freedom, but you allow, nay demand, to live in a police state. The police in Canada would not arrest you for an un-returned video no matter how long you had it because it is an obvious civil matter to be resolved by small claims court. It isn't theft, it is breach of contract. In Canada if you rent something and keep it too long it isn't theft. Yes, you have broken the law, and the owner of the video can take you to court, but you can't go to jail unless you fail to return the video after losing your small claims case, and then you would be going to jail for contempt, not theft.

Comment Re:Dangerous... (Score 1) 399

I agree that in many places in the USA it is too hard to fire teachers. But, not all unions are evil, and unions DO help prevent abuses by employers. Anyone who says an employee can just take another job is ignoring the reality that in 99% of cases the employer has MUCH more power than the employee.

That said, I agree that tenure should only be for university professors, not high school teachers.

Comment Re:Dangerous... (Score 1) 399

And most of the civilized world thinks it is crazy that any judge faces elections on a regular basis. In Canada ALL judges are lifetime posts to shield them from outside pressures. Our equivalence of "attorney general" are completely non-political; it is never a stepping stone to political office. The USA has way more outside influences on its judicial system than any other western nation.

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