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Comment Re:I question a key point from TFA (Score 1) 144

No, it's an argument for the limitations against government intrusion into private, God-given rights. And that hasn't been a topic of conservatives for 45 years.

The founders understood that it was authority that needed limits - that's not the same as the scope of government. Conservatives seem to have a blind spot to the difference.

Comment Re:I hope they read the last check I sent in... (Score 3, Informative) 162

But changing the TOS in a small-type on a flimsy insert sent with the bill that takes a law degree, additional experience, and hours of careful reading to comprehend constitutes a "meeting of the minds"? Bullshit.

The fact that this sort of thing is legally accepted shows only that common sense in the application of the law was thrown out the window long ago in order to accommodate the existence of mega-corporations.

It may be a necessary evil, but that's no reason to dissemble about what's actually happening.

Comment Re:A matter of time (Score 1) 757

In most small businesses I think you are wrong. The BSA threat is insignificant - like getting caught speeding on FDR Drive in NYC.

The threat of viruses is very real. I've seen it repeatedly, and clueless users installing dodgy software (usually to get access to porn) is the main reason.

In my experience it's far more common than drive-by exploits, etc.

Comment Re:ZFS support (Score 1) 425

Right on.

Never mind that Linux wants you to use j for bzip2 in tar.

And I can hardly forget years of bitching from nslookup to use dig instead. Good lord. Sometimes I use nslookup, sometimes dig, sometimes host, depends what I'm doing. I don't need a fucking lecture.

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