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Comment Re:IDEs are good. UI builders are bad. (Score 1) 627

Glade for GTK+ produces XML for example, just as if you had written it yourself. You can edit it if you want to, or write the XML from scratch and open it up in Glade if you want to fix something visually.

Have you ever had a job where you had to maintain a GTK-based app developed with Glade for more than a couple years?

I'm guessing not. Severe bugs, missing features, crashes -- those aren't the worst parts of Glade. No, the nastiest part is that Glade versions are strongly tied to GTK versions. Want to use Glade version x.y with GTK version n.m? You're fucked.

Comment Re:Despite it's name (Score 5, Funny) 168

Jaguar is for tablets and seems to be designed for price point and not speed. That's why they are comparing it with the ARM stuff and not using an Opteron 6386 as a comparison.

The question is whether Jaguar itself is really 64-bit, or if it's just the graphics processor that's 64-bit and the rest is 32-bit.

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