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Comment The sidebar was the most interesting part... (Score 4, Insightful) 97

I started reading but soon moved on to just skimming the article. It read like a very logical but basic security primer... Until I hit the sidebar. Wow, I've never seen a better laid out, yet brief, history lesson that got straight to the point. Our government needs to remember that its "For the People, by the People" not "For those people, by these people"


Comment Re:Not so fast, cowboy ... (Score 1) 723

The Supreme Court's decision in this case is irrelevant for two reasons - of course both have been invalidated many times over in the SC's typical, self-serving stance.

1) The government is limited to what is spelled out in the Constitution as the government's powers and NOT that it can do whatever as long as it doesn't infringe the amendments. This is why the bill of rights was the biggest mistake - it gives the Constitution the appearance that the government can do way more than it was ever intended to.

2) The SC has decided that what is written in the constitution is no absolute but relative. Therefore the SC's own power - which is based on the Constitution - is relative and not absolute. I can therefore elect which of its decisions apply to me and which ones don't. Sounds fair, right?


Comment What's the big deal? (Score 1, Insightful) 310

They are a private company and can (or should be) allowed to impose whatever rules they want... Its only the federal government that is required to adhere to the bill of rights. So until the Constitution gets amended, we can argue about how illegal background checks, waiting periods, and registration by the federal government are - but there is absolutely nothing you can say about FB doing whatever they feel is right.


Comment Because they are the ones that have to pay? (Score 1) 786

Wow, 500 comments almost and not a single one seems to mention the natural disgust involved in this. Too bad I didn't have time to post until lunch break because of WORK... And that's really the issue. Every single developer, manager and such on this project makes a good living - and most of them by work hard. Very hard. And those are the ones that are being punished the most by Obama for their hard work. Few people like that and guess what, moral is really low... I can't count the number of times I heard "And now I have to do overtime so my taxes can go up and I can not only provide free food but also free health care for some retarded stoner who can't be bothered to go out and find a job or some trailer trash who just had her 16th child living on wellfare" ...

Yeah - its a real surprise that those people didn't work harder and do a better job...


Comment How do you ask... (Score 1) 376

a clueless whore (sorry, I don't usually call people names but I simply have no better word for someone who does anything for money) not to be himself? To him and the studios is all about making money. JJ Abrams has no clue how to design a story line, have plausible characters, or stay true to the spirit of the series. He tramples over everything that was there before him, ignores the fans that are begging him to stop and comes up with the most idiotic ways to justify cramming in more special effects. But what he does appeals to the casual viewer and therefore translates to profits...


Comment Want a higher turnout? (Score 0, Troll) 93

How about you then give us some real choices? I don't like in NYC so I really don't care about who was there then - but the issue is the same across the country. Here, we had a choice between a D who cheated on his taxes and an R who cheated on his wife. Neither had any qualifications that made me feel he had any chance of doing a good job... On state level it wasn't any better and don't get me started on presidential nonsense. One promises to waste money we don't have on war, the other sugarcoats it a little better and says we just have to find a way to pay with money we don't have social programs. In the end, it didn't matter - or do you really think Mittens would act any different to the NSA revelations? We need a choice between black and white (or call it green and red if you're too afraid of being called a racist) - not between ivory and snow! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Shades_of_white)


Comment Why not just fix car design? (Score 4, Informative) 153

I drove a 99 corolla until recently... After I got hit this January by a stoner, I got a 2013 corolla... The enhancements are awesome: I can no longer see cars in my blindspot by simply turning my head - they moved the side support forward by about an inch and a half... The mirrors are an annoying cut-off shape that means I can no longer see the car 2 lanes over in the lower corner of my mirror... For no apparent reason, they raised the plastic in front of the wind screen so I can no longer comfortably see the front of my vehicle when parking... They also raised the trunk lid to the point that the windscreen is substantially smaller and I have poor rear visibility... And my favorite, they moved the cup holders behind the gear shift rather than keeping it in front, so I can't properly shift anymore if I have anything larger than a can in my car... so I can either drive de-hydrated or keep the drink between my legs, both sounds really safe. Oh, and my favorite, they also put a lid on top of the center console storage space just in the right place that I hit my funny bone when shifting into 4th gear.

So explain to me, why do I need to have a wireless car-to-car system if the manufacturer of the vehicle seems hell bent on making the vehicle as hard to drive as possible (they call it modern styling)? It adds to the cost of the car, increases the weight (my car, despite 8 more horses, is almost a second slower 0-60) and the end effect is questionable. There are so many cheaper and better ways to make cars safer...


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