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Comment Re:Respects Your Freedom (Score 1) 216

In general, server hardware has always "played better" with Linux. This includes the avoidance of BLOBs. Although given the quite often expensive price tag of such machines, it's an interesting idea that one would be put together in such an ignorant fashion.

"I built my server wrong" is simply not a remark that deserves any sympathy.

Comment Re:Fear of guns (Score 1) 535

There's that. There's the general hysteria. Guys walking alone in my neighborhood are likely to get stopped and bothered. Age and race don't matter. People around here are just hysterical nitwit suffering from 30 years of media overkill about child abductions.

Still wouldn't think it would escalate to an arrest around here.

Comment Re:Fear of guns (Score 1) 535

The local elementary school is embedded in the neighborhood. If you want to go from point A to point B sometimes the only sane route is past the school down one or two sides of it.

The principal was probably more of a disruption than the Stormtrooper.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 1) 830

> No it doesn't.

The ancient measurements are all divisible by small numbers that are easy for a real person to handle without advanced technology. Metric is fine for a lab but really not suited to much else.

The fixation on metric is just modern snobbery and the common vanity that the ancients were all idiots that didn't know anything or ever do anything interesting.

Comment Re:Not converted (Score 0) 830

> Well, all other advanced societies have figured out how to save massive amounts of money on their health care while typically having superior or comparable public health statistics. The US seems to be a bit slow sometimes.

The real cost of healthcare in the US is easy to inflate. While often times other (European) countries make compromises in care that would be unacceptable in the US.

It's easy to stiff doctors or companies doing medical research and call that a bargain. Even the US public options do that.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 4, Insightful) 830

You mean like US companies already produce products with metric measurements? The idea that the US is not metric is somewhat disengenuous. What the US is not is "forced metric".

US companies happily adapt to other countries (like in Europe) that make it a sort of fascist fetish.

But it's true that Americans simply don't care, and have no interest in change just for it's own sake.

Comment Re:No media center? Windows 10 is DEAD to me... (Score -1, Troll) 468

Beyond the fact that Microsoft happily corrupted it's operating system in order to accommodate consumer video DRM vendors, their DVR product was really never anything to write home about.

Fortunately one of the PC CC vendors is finally making their own PVR software and they aren't just limiting it to Windows.

Comment Re:Turn over, Benjamin Franklin (Score 1) 69

Not just philosophy. Try history. He was a radical Quaker and didn't even bother to patent his own inventions when he had the chance. It just didn't sit well with his ideals.

Not all of the founding fathers were plantation owners content with the status quo either before or after the revolution.

Comment Re:To those who never could run any business ... (Score 1) 422

Some of them did. Some of them just got a run around. It was just like all of the money thrown at the broadband ISPs. It was given to them as corporate welfare with the intention that it would eventually "trickle through" but it quite often never did.

In truth,there's rarely much serious resistance to bailing out those that are "too big too fail". Whereas the small fry are simply eviscerated because they allowed themselves to be led astray by con men working for large corporations.

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