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Comment Re:Wow total distopia (Score 2) 352

Even if you're just "rolling a tape", you still have to manage the students. The "educator" is not just devaluing his own job but that of the tech. In all likelihood, the "tech" could probably get a better job somewhere else. The catch about the tech is he/she would need to be able to troubleshoot.

The same is kind of true of the "student management" aspect of the task. This "educator" seems to be just assuming that everything will go as easily as possible (both the tech and the cat herding).

If anything this cat-herder+tech person would likely be someone worth MORE in terms of job skills than less.

People typically devalue the jobs and skills of others but usually at least acknowledge their own.

Comment This plan has holes (Score 4, Insightful) 352

I dunno. I'm not an educator, but I'm pretty sure that when I was in school that there was more to the class than just the lecture. I don't think you can just roll a copy of something from "The Great Courses" and declare yourself done.

I would be very worried about any teacher that would reduce their own job to that.

Comment Re:This never works (Score 3, Insightful) 304

Keeping the plebs from copying their own stuff doesn't do anything but make paid for content less useful than the pirated stuff that someone else went to the trouble to liberate. And it only takes one. Past that point, all of the rubes can make extra copies as easy as if the original media had no DRM to begin with.

Comment Re:Glorious Benefits of Cloud Computing + DRM (Score 2) 368

If you can't copy it to a Linux box and play it with something other than iTunes then you don't really own it.

Apple sells a lot of that kind of stuff. If you're not aware, then perhaps you're stuck in 2003 and aren't aware of the newer things they are doing these days.

Even with the lastest and best supported Apple brand software and hardware, it can glitch while trying to phone home. DRM fail equals playback fail.

Comment Re:Upgrade (Score 1) 368

My last iteration of "building from a collection of parts" was buying a QNAP from Amazon and a laptop from System76.

Ripping the content may require a little bit of upfront legwork but I never have to worry about some gatekeeper going out of business or deciding to just give me the middle finger.

Most of my MP3s are older than any sanctioned MP3 vendor. Now the older parts of my video collection have seen iTunes rise up as a video monger and then go offline.

This article is an advertisement for XBMC.

Comment Re: Figures (Score 2) 368

That's a distinction without a difference.

When people buy stuff from you that requires "phoning home", no one should let you off the hook for dropping "legacy support". People whine about things like "support" but this isn't a computing frame of reference here. This is consumer media.

The idea that your copy of the White Album suddenly stops working should not be tolerated.

Comment Re:It's my choice to kill my kid! (Score -1, Flamebait) 616

No. You clueless blithering idiots don't get it.

No one whines in the news media "but think of the stupid kid with an egg allergy". It's always the kid that shouldn't even been anywhere near a school.

Some people are just in danger just by being exposed to lots of children and their germs. This kind of "medical excuse" is bogus. They shouldn't be in school to begin with. It doesn't matter if the whole rest of the school tries to cater to their condition or not.

As far as "allergies" go, that's a real judgement call. However, most alergies even aren't nearly as severe as diseases we vaccinate children for.

This is really one of those many situations where our own wealth puts us at a disadvantage. We're so used to not seeing some of these diseases that we are really out of touch with how bad they really are. The whole lot of us are terribly sheltered.

Comment Re:It's my choice to kill my kid! (Score -1, Flamebait) 616

ANY ONE that needs an excuse of any sort to avoid a vaccination should not be in a public school. People spend a lot of time trying to eviscerate anti-vaxxers over this but this is an issue that impacts anyone that is immonosuppressed.

If you can't handle a Measles vaccine, you don't belong in school period. Just the other kids with normal things will be a deadly threat to you.

It sucks but that's the way it is. Doesn't matter if you are a kid recovering from blood cancer or a teacher also recovering from blood cancer.

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