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Comment Re:Seems like it would've worked (Score 1) 97

Google the company uses a ton of electricity for it's servers, but they simply chose to put their biggest server farm near a dam in Dallas so that they could benefit from the renewable energy. Not every company will do that.

Plus, the government could simply offer exceptions to companies that don't have an available alternative.

Comment Re:try BitCoin next time (Score 0) 97

The only reason China has the largest emissions is because they have a ton of people that want the benefits of this modern age. If you compare carbon emissions to population, I believe(not sure if it's still true) that we in the US are the worst CO2 emitters. Also, if I'm not mistaken, China has put a ton of money into alternative energy research.

So...Despite the fact that China's the leading emitter, they're also the #1 leader in trying to solve the problem.

Comment Re:Embreyonic stem sells (Score 0) 33

Now the fanatics who yelped about embryonic stem cells have a hard time dropping they embryonic part, and are having a hard time dropping their political message, even though science stole their thunder and reason for protest.

You can't be serious. The protesters didn't want experiments done on fetuses, and the scientists stopped doing experiments of fetuses. No thunder was stolen, the protesters simply got what they wanted.

Comment Re:Hmmm ... what? (Score 0) 47

Well, for one thing, I don't think wizards get much benefit from sharp objects. They're usually on the outskirts casting healing spells and whatnot, and probably are EXPECTED to run if someone burly comes nearby. You gotta be up close or use projectiles(like rangers) to benefit from sharpness, unless you're dropping stalactites on people.

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