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Comment Re:If your never sprint coverage (Score 2) 140

COWs are 2g/3g/4g towers, with antennas for each of the bands the cell provider supports. They're typically emergency deployments when a tower goes down or extra bandwidth is needed, say for a huge event like hempfest. OP is wrong, you shouldn't have to rent it, in fact, FWIU, you can't: Sprint/VZN/AT&T/T-Mob will do it all for you, and rather nastily tell you to quit bothering them if you persist in asking questions while they're doing it

Comment Why not? (Score 1) 445

It's not like the illusion of privacy I had in pretending the NSA couldn't get to my HDD data had much basis in reality anyways. I figured it was mostly because I hadn't done anything that got anyone annoyed enough to actually care

Comment Re:Earth (Score -1, Offtopic) 116

I'm going with Poe here. Why wouldn't have god made the earth like a jigsaw puzzle? It's the most efficient method for making up seemingly-random shapes that cover a surface. As for the 5000 years versus 165 million years, just because you can't count doesn't mean god can't: he's omnipotent, you're not, get over it.

Comment lesson learned? (Score 1) 658

I'd have thought that it was pretty much axiomatic to anyone that's spent any appreciable time surfing the intarwubz that e-fame is horribly fleeting. Andy Warhol's 15 minutes in web 3.0 terms is down to about three, and you've already wasted two on the ads. During this entire evolution, many people that have been paying attention for a bit have mentioned people like Klein, Manning, Drake, Thompson, Gilmore, Rivest, Schneier, and many other Names any security researcher ought to be intimately familiar with, only to get the electronic equivalent of blank looks. It's only a matter of time before Snowden gets a similar treatment. This is why when an electronic activism opportunity presents itself, we have to act NOW, not when we get a round tuit, because it will be long over by the time your round tuit gets there.

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