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Comment Re:Manipulative headline (Score 1) 102

Handing more power to bumbling crony government authorities is no answer. It might make sense to create a private licensing and oversight consortium with the incentives (e.g., full liability) to guarantee adherence to operational safety standards. That would increase production costs, but accountability would likely improve dramatically, and that's where a lot of the problems lie.

Comment Re:Manipulative headline (Score 1) 102

Oil companies bring water to people when the oil company causes an accidental release of ground contaminants. I said nothing regarding fluid runoff pollution in my previous post. Reading comprehension -1 on that one, sorry. However, fluid runoff pollution is a managed risk of any type of natural gas or oil recovery operation, whether old-school or fracturing methods are used. It is also a managed risk in mining or water well drilling. The ground it seems is just full of nasty chemicals that you don't want to eat or drink, and digging or drilling invariably brings those nasty chemicals to the surface. You should read less MSM tripe and more engineering or geology literature: you'll sound less....schizophrenic on this topic.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

This planet can sustain 1.5 billion humans, if they are all extremely careful. There are 7 billion people now, because of cheap petroleum. Cheap petroleum is gone forever and there is NO replacement. Try to mine iron with PV or algae, lol. Try to make a tire with a windmill. Try to get a strawberry from Chile to Florida using nuclear fission. Most pharmaceuticals, plastics, pesticides, and non-rusty metal are impossible w/o petroleum. And, no pesticides = no food. You are naive and gullible. You probably think Greenspan was brilliant and that Beta is da bomb giggity.

Comment Re:Manipulative headline (Score 3, Interesting) 102

Nonsense. Stop gobbling the gullibility pills. The videos of burning tap water are from water wells that were already polluted (naturally) by methane. Fracking occurs MILES below any aquifers, and the bore is very well sealed. Water and methane are frequent partners and have always been. Forcing deep-well waste water back into the ground is different: there's reason to believe it causes earthquakes and has been banned as a result.

Comment Re: why not? (Score 1) 303

I can see restarting in-house buggy services, sure, but the entire system? Just to be sure that a system can restart during naps?! You're either bonkers, or understand very little about how ux systems (and hardware) work. 'Fess up: you're a Windows alpha, working up to uxwannabe.

Comment Re: why not? (Score 1) 303

There are NO limits to the mischief that poor programming can enable, even on a great platform. Microsoft doesn't have a *total* monopoly on poor software design just because it's the past two decades' poster child. There have been plenty of hare-brained ideas implemented on Unix, Solaris, MacOS, and Linux platforms. Even Windows' ancient babydaddy, the venerable VMS, had some epic failures (that all seem to have been ported to WNT for some weird reason). The trick is to recognize those bad ideas (IE) and fix or eliminate them.

Comment Re: why not? (Score 3, Funny) 303

"Most of us in IT" probably doesn't mean what I think you think it means. Most **employed** IT folks want 100% uptime, or as close to it as possible. They like good performance too. With Apache or nginx, to run insanely fast for a couple of years at a time is normal. Windows can't run a month w/o needing a reboot, and IIS is slower than the Ancient Elders of the Molasses Tribe copulate in February.

Comment Re:But it is horribly wrong anyway. (Score 0) 458

Nonetheless, it's ALL wonderful conjecture. It starts harmless discussions. Example: "Oh my goodness, there isn't enough matter to account for our calculated rotational model!" "Okay, Sparky, I'll play along. How TF do you know that? Did you weigh all galactic matter under controlled conditions? ALL OF IT? NO? Then STFU and GBTW because you have no idea how much matter there is in this galaxy. You can't even guess because INSUFFICIENT DATA, you neurotic freakin' dweeb! Go get me another beer."

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