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Comment Re:Abuse? (Score 1) 85

If this "anonymous, unique identifier" is a fiction, the "privacy abuse" is obvious.

On the other hand, if the "anonymous, unique identifier" truly is anonymous, where is the "privacy abuse"? We're going to have ads served to us regardless. Better to have ads that are relevant to my interests than random, irrelevant ads.

I disagree. Ads that don't concern me are easier to ignore. "Targeted Advertizing" is a pretty name for "Manipulation of Potential Customers".

Comment Re:Invading privacy is the crime (Score 1) 88

If I had mod points you'd definitely get one. It seems like, over time, people forget why things like this are important. It is worse now because this new privacy invasion is not in your face. No one is pushing their way into your home to rummage through your things. It's invisible, and many people choose not to see it for what it is and for what it will become.

Comment Re:No (Score 2) 398

The summary answers itself:

I just wish Nissan would ditch the weird styling while they're at it.

This is why Tesla is getting so much public attention: the cars they make look like cars people actually want to drive. Stop making every electric car look like a midget minivan (a miniminivan?) and more people would actually buy them.

Right. For most people, the way a car looks is a high priority. The question electric car manufacturers should always ask themselves is: "How well would this car sell if it had a gas engine in it?"

Comment Re:Obligatory (Score 1) 310

So let me get this straight, it's perfectly OK to kill people with drones as long as they're not American citizens?

Welcome to Planet Earth.

AKA "The REAL World!"

It ain't a nice place, and it ain't gonna be a nice place, in spite of all the sheltered urban first-world fantasies you can conjure.

Right. You have no right to complain unless your country is a third world shithole. It's just stupid to think that things could be better. Our founding fathers had it all wrong. People in other places have no rights so why should we? Thank you so much, AC. Without your wisdom and foresight, we would all be lost.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 78

Putin's Russia, oddly enough where Snowden now lives, has already been exploiting the information Snowden revealed to strengthen their intelligence apparatus and exploit gaps in those of the West. Snowden doesn't deserve a Nobel but maybe the cover of Time magazine, a distinction he could share with various other notables of ill repute. (Was John Walker or Kim Philby ever on the cover?) On top of that Snowden deserves prosecution.

Maybe next time the NSA decides to go too far and aim for total surveillance of every connected person on the planet, they should remember the downsides of forcing someone to blow the whistle.

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