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Comment How about the government actually governing? (Score 2) 88

I have never been one for a lot of government intervention. However this is a prime example of the fact that it really has it's place. Sure, it's all well and good that General Mills has backed down. But there's nothing to say that you'll not see this stunt pulled again in the future. All it's going to take is corporation to decide they'll do better by using this tactic against it's customers than they'll loose from the public backlash.

Better to put out a grass fire in your yard with a hose than to wait for the fire department to show up to try and save what's left of your house.

Comment Re:Biofuels = Faster breakdown of engine parts (Score 1) 159

Yeah I've noticed that myself. Sure ethanol does 'clean' engines. But it also eats seals and gaskets. And sure, that's not that much of a problem in brand new cars... but if you're still banging around in something from the 80s or 90s you can expect more repairs. If not having to replace or rebuild the whole engine.

Comment There's actually a legal president AGAINST this. (Score 1) 1633

Going all the way back to the time of the revolution (or a bit after it) a legal president that actually crated two kinds of militia. A select militia and a general militia. In modern times the concept of the select militia has been taken to be the National Guard. Which actually isn't a militia at all as it's directly tied into the US Military. The other end of this spectrum is the concept of the general militia which is actually every able bodies man in the nation. The reasons for this being that in the past there were conflicts between the states and the federal government as a whole as to who was allowed to keep a militia. This precedent still hjolds true today. This is how those 'Michigan Militia' types don't routinely get stamped out by the ATF or DHS.

All I have said here really is a moot point given that what this ass-clown is pushing is a blatant call to revoke the right of the people to own personal weapons by harping on the concept of the militia and playing with the means of works. I won't bother trying to explan why this is completely wrong and instead will direct everyone to check out the episode of Penn and Teller's 'Bullshit' on gun control. They lay it out better and funnies than I could.

Comment Re:Good (Score 2) 193

I thought that entire thing was kind of overblown. But I do kind of wonder what would have happened what would have happened if someone had flipped the switch with a conservative comedian making this kind of statement. I honestly think there there would still be people bitching about it.

Of course... about the only conservative comedian I can think of off the top of my head is Larry the Cable guy. Don't think he has the wit to pull something like that off.

Comment To be honest, no. (Score 1) 723

I say this due to the fact of just how untrustworthy the Federal Government be come. And that's in all ways, not just with this new tax.

As a side note I'd really like to see real information on how many people have actually BOUGHT this new mandatory insurance. Last time I looked into it they were still keeping that under their proverbial hat. Wouldn't be surprised it was half... or even less.

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