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Record Label Infringes Own Copyright, Site Pulled 282

AnonCow sends in a peculiar story from TorrentFreak, which describes the plight of a free-download music site that has been summarily evicted from the Internet for violating its own copyright. The problem seems to revolve around the host's insistence that proof of copyright be snail-mailed to them. Kind of difficult when your copyright takes the form of a Creative Commons license that cannot be verified unless its site is up. "The website of an Internet-based record label which offers completely free music downloads has been taken down by its host for copyright infringement, even though it only offers its own music. Quote Unquote Records calls itself 'The First Ever Donation Based Record Label,' but is currently homeless after its host pulled the plug."

Critical Flaw Found in VNC 4.1 175

jblobz writes "IntelliAdmin has discovered a critical flaw that allows an attacker to control any machine running VNC 4.1. The flaw grants access without the attacker obtaining a password. The details of the vulnerability have not been released, but their website has a proof of concept that allows you to test your own VNC installation for the vulnerability"

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