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Comment Re:Sublime Text or some Jetbrains (Score 1) 47

What support does emacs have for remote development/editing ?

At work we use Windows laptops to log into remote linux dev servers, and I'd been using emacs running on the dev server up until a few weeks ago, using X11 forwarding to MobaXerm running under windows.

Unfortunately my employer just stopped supporting MobaXTerm, or any other X11 server, so I've no switched to VS Code with the remote SSH extension, which at least as far as remote file access goes is very good. Sadly VS Code doesn't have any decent macro record/playback support (can't record entering find/replace text, for example), which is a major productivity killer.

Does emacs have something equivalent to VS Code's remote SSH support, where I can configure an SSH connection then just treat remote files as if they were local ?

Comment Re:This will sort itself, in time (Score 1) 218

The whole thing also turns on salaries that are paid for jobs. In the 1950's, a man holding a single job could afford a wife, kids, and a house. Then the number of workers skyrocketed and it was a buyers market and real wages fell - it now takes 2 incomes for married people just to get by, and in certain areas of the country owning a home is not an affordable option.

With the population decline, we're right now seeing roughly a 1:1 ratio of jobs to people, and with our population collapse you will eventually see real wages going up. Eventually couples will get back to where 1 income can support a family, and we'll be back to the situation of the 1950's.

Ebb and flow, the low birth rate problem will eventually sort itself out.
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Well, that's quite an optimistic outlook - that a labor shortage will raise wages to point where quality of life improves.

I'm not so optimistic - why would the outsourcing of jobs and manufacturing stop, why would companies stop lobbing for cheap immigrant labor (H1-B visas) rather than paying better salaries to attract domestic talent and kids taking STEM/CS degrees ?

Our economy is screwed up in so many different ways - not just the direct effects of globalization, but also a crippling national debt seemingly beyond point of now return. We can't even inflate our way out of the debt since the interest on refinanced dept would just make it worse. Or what about lack of housing affordability (would cost me more than double - totally unafordable - if I had to buy my house at today's value with today's interest rates), looming retirement crises, college loan debt, etc, etc.

Sure would be nice to turn the clock back to the 50's when the Amreican Dream was alive and well, but hard to see a soft landing or reversal for the path we are on. I don't think it will end well.

In the meantime, the difference between the UK (where I am originally from) and US today vs in the late 80's when I cam here is startling and depressing. Back then, the US was booming, and software salaries were 3x that in the UK - the US consumer lifestyle was booming! Today, we can see what a mess the US is in where even two salaries will leave you struggling in many parts of the country, yet I have two sisters in the UK who are thriving - one is a single parent mother, a half-retired nurse, who owns her own home and has just got back from a month long vacation in Australia. My other sister and her husband have modest jobs but also own their own home, new BMW, latest Apple products every year for kids xmas presents, holidays abroad every year ...

Comment Re:The problem they're having (Score 4, Insightful) 218

I'd say more due to Japan becoming poorer, rather than people being overworked. Young people are leaving to get better jobs overseas, and people are choosing not to have kids they can't afford.

The global economy is basically a Ponzi scheme, with richer countries getting rich at the expense of poorer ones whose cheap labor they exploit. The trouble is as you get to the top of the pyramid, and have gutted your own economy by outsourcing everything, then where do you go from there? Where's the thriving middle class (whose jobs you've exported) to buy your own high priced goods? They are of necessity going to buy what they can afford - made in China goods from Walmart, etc.

The problem gets worse for those at the top as the developing countries improve their skills and go from manufacturing for the rich to their own brands making their own high quality goods, thereby competing with the countries who had previously used them as a source of cheap labor.

I remember growing up in the 70's when "Made in Japan" meant cheap and nasty, but they rapidly improved and got a reputation for high quality and expensive goods (cameras, electronics).

America is lucky in that despite having followed the same path of self-destruction via gloabalization and outsourcing - serving the needs of corporate profits rather than the American people - the global reserve status of the petro-dollar has created an artificial demand for the US dollar and is propping up US trade and immigration. The US still seems hell-bent on destroying whatever it left of it's economy though - having exported all of it's middle class jobs is now in final stages of exporting all of it's tech jobs too. We'll soon become a nation of nurses and janitors, and tradesmen, where the only safe jobs are ones that HAVE to be performed on US soil.

As the US dollar continues to decline in dominance, the US will follow in path of Japan as a formerly wealthy country in decline (a trend that really started 20-30 years ago or more).

Comment Not in my back yard (Score 1) 159

We've all been reading about global warming for decades at this point, and seeing evidence elsewhere of videos of receding glaciers, polar bears swimming due to lack of ice, etc, etc, as well new global temperature records being set every year.

Still, if you want to ignore all the evidence elsewhere and only look in your own back yard, then for anyone living in New England in the US, we've been staring it in the face for almost 10 years with lack of snow and sustained cold weather - no sledding, no ice skating on frozen ponds, no major snow storms to shovel, no pre-xmas skiing at resorts without their own snowmaking (although go a few hours north and things didn't get so bad yet).

Comment Re:Google Analytics (Score 4, Interesting) 22

Given that Google Analytics is a Google product, I don't see much point in making a distinction between the two. Google gave users the impression that "Incognito mode" was incognito, while themselves:

a) Via Google Analytics - continuing to collect personally-identifying information about users, regardless of incognito mode


b) Apparently then taking this data collected during "incognito mode"and tying it back to the user's profile !

It's one thing to say "incognito, but no guarantees - 3rd parties may still collect your browsing dala", and another for Google themselves to in fact be the ones collecting this data and then tying it back to your profile!!

Comment Err, we're already there (Score 1) 84

> Kumar: Very soon climate scientists are just going to ditch their graphs and point out the window with an expression that says, "I fucking told you!"

Don't need a graph to tell all the closed ski resorts that they have no snow, to to tell a polar bear that it's swimming rather than walking on ice.

This joke might have made sense 10 years ago, but sadly we're way past that point now.

I live in the Northeast USA where traditionally we'd get at least a couple of major snowstorms per year as well as more minor snow. It's been 7 or 8 years since my daughter has been able to go sledding, since there is just no snow ...

Comment About as good as USA could do (Score 1) 54

Let's note that all state of the art (3nm) "American" chips such as iPhone processors, NVidia GPUs and AI chips, AMD processors are all in fact manufactured by a Taiwanese company, TSMC, that relies on a Dutch company, ASML for the EUV equipment to make them.

The only major US company to make it's own processors is Intel, who embarrassingly are still stuck at same 7nm node size that Huawei are reporting here.

So basically when hit with sanctions the most we can do it retard China into making American quality chips. No wonder they are trying to deny it or put a spin on it.

Comment Re:Sometimes weather is weird (Score 2) 124

Sure, but increasingly violent weather is dangerous (as well as being the canary in the coal mine for anyone unconvinced by their ski resort having no snow, etc).

Ocean surface temperatures are much higher than normal this year - huge amount of energy in the system - that will manifest as more violent hurricanes etc as the year progresses.

Comment More realistically ... (Score 1) 190

machines could suddenly surpass human-level intelligence and decide to destroy mankind

They don't need to decide to destroy mankind ... that risk is from a distant future where AGI is automonous, with it's own goals, making it's own decisions, and with the agency to execute on them. Even then, it assumes that we've either given it control over sufficiently dangerous aspects of our infrastriucture, or it can gain access via hacking. None of these are impossible, but this is all distant future and detracts from the more immediately realistic threats.

The short term more realistic threat is not autonomous AI gone wild, but simply bad actors (individuals or states) leveraging AI as a tool for disruptive purposes such as hacking and disinformation. We don't need to consider sci-fi scenarios such as using AI to design killer viruses since a state level enterprise could use humans to do that if it really wanted to, but it'd be tantamount to declaring war on the world as well as oneself. Better to think of AI as a tool giving leverage to do what people/states are already inclined to do.

Comment Re:Twitter has improved more in one year than.. (Score 0) 160

better verification

No. Now, the blue check marks only means you've either got a phone number and $8, or you're some celebrity Musk wants people to believe paid $8.

better moderation

No. Not unless you think leaving violent attacks, child porn, and animal torture videos unmoderated is a good thing.

less caving to federal agencies

No. There have been more federal requests complied with under Musk than there were before him. Google it - you can find the numbers.

Comment ChatGPT is not a search engine (Score 1) 176

It seems there's a lot of misunderstanding about what ChatGPT (and similar LLMs) are ... having the tech packaged/presented as a chatbot has been great at popularizing it, but the fact that you can now ask it questions and get replies seems to have made a lot of people think that it's at heart some type of search engine that is attempting to factually answer questions, when really nothing could be further from the truth!

This LLM/transformer tech is built to generate language that is statistically similar to stuff it was trained on. In order to do a good job of this is has necessarily learnt quite a lot about the world being described by the training set, but nonetheless it has no notion of facts or sources .. it's just a giant meat-grinder of text that generates extremely plausible new text ...

Now, if you ask it about something that it was trained on then there's a good chance that it's response will draw from that training material and be "factual", but if you ask it about something where it has less of relevance to draw upon, then it will equally happily generate a bunch of BS out of thin air, and essentially has no way itself to know when it's doing this. It doesn't deal in facts - it deals in language.

If you want to get something more "factual" (ie. constrained by the training data) out of an LLM, then it needs to have been extensively trained on that type of material - e.g. training on programming examples is what makes Codex so good.

In general, the best use of LLMs is not as an all-knowing oracle or search engine replacement, but playing to its strength and core capability as a language processor, and use it for summaries, translations, text generation around a prompted theme etc. Obviously you can ask it questions too, but these generally need to be treated more as brainstorming suggestions, or as things that you need to check for truthfulness if being used in a context where you care.

When integrated with a search engine (vs using ChatGPT), as Bing has done, then you are more likely to get a factual response since it's using the search engine to retrieve BAU search results, and mostly relying on the LLM to understand your "query" and present the response, although you can of course still use it in more unconstrained ways too. Couple of days ago I was talking to Bing getting it to draw SVG platypuses for me. Odd world that we are entering...

Comment Re:Not A Ton Yet, But That's Changing (Score 1) 65

CHatGPT is based on a large neural network model, and when you train neural nets the goal is not for them to memorize the training material (this is known as overfitting - bad) but rather to generalize over it.

The goal of the model when trained was just to try to predict the next word in any given training sentence, so when you run the model what you are getting is a slightly randomized sequence of words that are the statistically most probable continuation of what you fed into it, with those statistics being a mashup/generalization over all the training material.

In other words, the model has no idea whether it's output is "true" (i.e. is roughly similar to something in it's training data) or not, and there simply is no concept of the source - it's just generating word by word, with each word choice having been influenced by billions of other words/contexts.

As someone else has pointed out, the same GPT-4 model that powers CHatGPT has also been integrated into Microsoft Bing (mobile app), and the way they've integrated it is for GPT-4 to perform searches based on your input, then respond based on those search results. In this case the model is aware of these URLs that have been accessed, and typically will correctly cite them (although all bets are off given the nature of these models, as discussed above).

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