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Comment Re:100,000 preregistered? (Score 4, Insightful) 273

DNS is just a big extortion racket... I can imagine that Google will make sure to register,,, etc. just like Facebook and any other big site. Celebrities are probably being advised to register their names (e.g. It's the same as with the .net and .org domains defensive registering but much worse.

Ironically, big porn sites will probably want to keep their .com domain around anyway. I can't imagine Vivid leaving to someone else, to name one.

Comment Re:Flash Sideways (Score 1) 955

Try reading the Lostpedia ( entries on The Others and Dharma. They don't add any new data, but order and sum it up in a way that makes it seem like there's not much left to explain.

Comment Re:Microsoft best innovation. (Score 1) 280

Who is good at predictions?

Revolutionary sites like Amazon, Facebook or Twitter are just the ones that made it among hundred others who dissapeared. The same can be said of apps or consumer products. When you look at the whole group its hard to give all the credit to the ones that survived... it looks more like they just happened to be in the lucky spot.

Once companies become big and established it's a rare of them to make a huge bang with a new revolutionary product. Take Google, which is supposed to be the antithesis to stagnant Microsoft... they bought a lot of their products from small lucky companies (e.g. Google Maps, based on Google Earth which was Keyhole before) and their own developments (like Google Desktop, Google Buzz or Google Wave) have often failed to amaze.

Notable exceptions: Apple and Nintendo, among a few others.

Comment To whoever can help me understand this (Score 3, Interesting) 180

Perhaps someone who knows more about stock trading can help me understand:

1) TFA states that someone made an input mistake and sold 16 billon Fortune 500 stocks instead of 16 millon. Did he have that many to sell? How big a player do you have to be to be able to make these type of mistakes.

2) TFA states that at one point shares for some companies dropped to a mere penny and then rebounded. Were people able to take advantage of the sudden drop to sweep and get a fast couple of millons due to the glitch?

And in conclusion: Does the system's inherent frailty allow this type of event to be orchestrated in order to make a big profit, or a new type of terror attack?

Comment Re:Some of us were waaaaay ahead it seems. (Score 4, Interesting) 502

I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and have cut cable TV last year... I got rid of my TV set as well.

For a while now I've been using torrents for all my TV viewing needs, even programs available to me in cable. Once my girlfriend cut down her TV watching as well I proposed getting rid of cable and we agreed on removing the TV set as well since my 24'' widescreen LCD computer monitor is up to the task.

My main reasons for watching torrents: ability to watch the programs as soon as they are available and without the normal geographical delay (blame it on Lost, American Idol, and the like), and the possibility of watching at any time of the day (TVR never really caught in Argentina).

To any TV execs reading this: If TV channels gave me all the quality and convenience torrent does (automatically downloaded HD video with no DRM) I'd have no problem watching "official" videos with commercials in them... or even paying a very small amount for them (we have a weak currency in Argentina so even one dollar per episode is borderline steep).

Comment Re:Technically (Score 1) 456

The San Francisco City Clinic has a very handy table that describes the risks of each type of unprotected sex:

I agree that protected oral sex sounds pointless, and you'll be pleased to know that young people all around us are mostly having the unprotected kind... and lots of it... which means that the chances of getting a STD from unprotected oral sex are not really that high.

Comment Re:3.6.2 released (Score 1) 509

I agree... if you're not satisfied with the default ugliness you can download and apply a number of themes that will raise the ugliness to previously unattainable levels.

Seriously, I tried a lot of themes and most of them make the interface fuzzier and harder to see and operate. Most themes are developed by "pimp my desktop" types and not by UI experts aiming for higher usability with pleasing aesthetics.

Comment Re:What's the problem? (Score 1) 272

I've never heard of anyone mantaining a version of their site for IE and another for Mozilla Firefox. At most we have IE-specific CSS or Javascript code to work around certain bugs of IE6 and IE7... but that's hardly worth of being called "another version" of the site... more like a patch.

For a site of more than minimum complexity you need a solid code base... and having two different versions of the site goes completely against that purpose. That's why, for any development worth its salt, I don't expect we'll have a Flash and an HTML5 version... more likely there'll be a Flash version, which works almost everywhere (except for iPhones and iPads... but that's not for the sake of supporting HTML5 as a new vibrant standard). Use of HTML5 will probably grow as slowly as any other technology which is not widely supported, as easy and fun to use as it may be.

What may actually happen is that some flash players and libraries might include code that transparently uses HTML5 when available. Like this: ... Still this approach is only useful for very particular applications and libraries, and it still might make testing and developing a little harder.

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