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Comment Re:Bullshit. (Score 1) 127

Intel had (and still has) the option to offload manufacturing at any point, even if it's only supplementary.

Why? This is Intel's only advantage. It runs the most efficient fabs in the world. Spinning them off kills Intel because...

The real thing that is killing Intel is (and always has been) their lack of investment in actual architectural design and security. They had all the opportunity to make a better microarchitecture but the one time they tried, all the bad things about Intel sabotaged itself. Itanium could have been the modern architecture but they decided to be very closed and kept compiler developers in the dark. This was to give themselves an advantage to sell their own compiler but AMD64 dropped, was easier to adapt to and completely destroyed Itamium. Even after the Itanic sank they insisted their processors were better and never really improved on their microarchitecture but instead bolted on new features. Without seriously considering security, their shortcuts finally caught up with them when the Meltdown flaw was discovered.

TL;DR: Intel played itself and still is.

this has been true for the past 40 years. Intel has never been the "best" processor or the most efficient design. It's only been able to do slight modifications of the existing processors to make them better, not really go into a revolutionary design change. It's just not it's thing. It's thing has been being the cheapest and the only company that can guarantee volume until recently. Also it learned the hard way with Intel iAPX 432 that changing microprocessor designs for established segments doesn't work. There is too much pre-compiled software out there that customers are just not willing to give up.

Also Itanium was never going to work outside a very limited set of applications, it was an HP science experiment gone haywire since the compiler technology wasn't anywhere close to being able to do the optimizations needed to make it at least efficient as RISC or CISC chips at the time. I was honestly surprised it worked as well as it did in the end, but most of the processor design had been outsourced to HP by the end of the project, so that might be the reason.

Comment Re:What about Russia (Score 1) 267

Russia’s ruling is just part of a long fight with Apple to get Apple made apps replaced by Russian made ones that Russia can control. It practically toothless because Apple has such a light footprint in Russia (just the online store), it could just leave Russia entirely without really effecting it at all.

It’s just not something to get spun up about.

Comment Re:The idea of DC was so that it would NOT be a st (Score 1) 249

Barry hasn’t been mayor for 22 years now and the Maryland legislature said last year straight up no to retrocession (they pass a binding resolution every few years just to make sure everyone knows that they’re serious on this). It has more to do with Maryland than DC, since it would upset the balance it currently in power in Maryland to such an extent that they’re not interested even a little bit.

Poll after poll of those in DC and Maryland have shown that retrocession a non-starter. Maryland gave away DC, they don’t want it back and there is no mechanism to force the to take it back.

Comment Re:Arguments (Score 1) 249

Nah, you just need to amend the Constitution to change the clause that forces equal representation then amend the Consistution to change the Senate. The equal protection in the senate precludes you from changing Senate representation, it doesn't prevent you from changing that clause.

Also the easiest way to fix the Senate is for states just need to start dividing. By like a lot. Los Angeles county should be like 5 states of 2-2.5 million people and not part of a larger territory. Alabama should be two states, etc.

Comment Re:The idea of DC was so that it would NOT be a st (Score 1) 249

Maryland has said they don't want it and per Article IV, Section 3, Congress cannot make them take it. Maryland's stance is that it isn't theirs anymore and they rightfully ceded the land to Congress in 1790.

Virginia wanted the western side of the Potomac back so it wasn't an issue when it was retroceded. Retrocession is a non-starter.

Comment Re:This doesn't seem to be consistent (Score 2) 285

What Universal is trying to do is release a movie both at the theaters and on-demand at home at the same time. AMC wouldn't have a problem if they just made a movie for Peacock and a different movie the theaters. Releasing it for both will cut into AMC's take especially since they get more of the gate as the movie runs longer and on-demand will likely for people to keep going after the first week or two.

Comment Re:Amazon Prime delivery (Score 4, Informative) 48

Never. FedEx and UPS don't even do that now, they just cover the cities and larger towns. Almost all rural deliveries and small towns that aren't near a big city are done by handing it off to USPS.

They're both on the record as they couldn't provide the service they do without USPS being able to cover the last mile for a lot of Americans.

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