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Comment Re:Java (Score 3, Interesting) 997

"Java is slow" is a stupid old myth. Does it not occur to you that JIT compilers compile to native code?

Ahah ? You should tell that to people who develop applications delivering only 1000 pages per second on a 8-core machine where equivalent plain-old C easily delivers more than 10000 pages per second on a single core of the same machine. Surely the GC is at fault, everything related to object management is at fault, the memory footprint voiding all cache efficiency is at fault, in summary, the language is at fault.

An yes, that's what I see in enterprises.

I think the real problem with Java developers is that they have been told that what they did was fast, and they believe it. But let's face it : when processing an HTTP request burns ONE JOULE there is definitely a problem. No wonder why datacenters are filling that fast...

Everytime a Java developer tried to prove me wrong, he showed me he was able to reach performance levels I was able to reach 10 years ago on an obsolete machine. "Look: 500 pages per second on this small 4-core xeon !". Well, I do 2000 on my 2.5W, battery-powered Geode computer, and that is small.

So please stop spreading bullshit about efficiency of such things, there are people who believe you and now we find their crap sucking all the power of datacenters.

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