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Comment Re:GW (Score 1) 1181

And is the same with the 99.9% of the experiments the scientists do: people just don't believe (how many experiments about potentially successful treatments for AIDS/Cancer/whatever get published on the news... who cares?)

For people to believe at heart in this or that thing, they need to see something working based in that experiment.... for example, "a new big touristic project for a new beach created (as predicted) by the GW".

Tsunamis, earthquakes, etc don't count... they are too random and always can be attributed to non natural sources.

Comment Re:When programming tools and databases meet.. (Score 1) 29

The O/R impedance mismatch may be a mental block but not the O/SQL one.

This complicates as the DBMS vendors are really good at improving SQL queries that doesn't necessarily fit the object model or the mapping layer.

For non trivial projects you end up applying the O/R mapping to replace the trivial SQL sencences, and the "raw" SQL (or even stored procedures) for the contrived or performance critical cases... which in the long term is a PITA.

Comment Re:The Most Dangerous Misconception (Score 1) 290

> There's not even one Game, each is playing his own and wanting to "win" by whatever internal definition they have.

You need money to play any game, by whatever internal definition you have. And more to win... or because you win.

BTW, even if the CEO's priority is not the money, the shareholders (and most of the workforce) usually think different.

Comment Re:Dead trees == outdated as soon as printed (Score 4, Informative) 160

Apparently just the chapter 7 is about the XX:

  Chapter 1: Strategies, Approaches, and Methodologies, Chapter 2: Operating System Performance Monitoring, Chapter 3: JVM Overview, Chapter 4: JVM Performance Monitoring, Chapter 5: Java Application Profiling, Chapter 6: Java Application Profiling Tips and Tricks, Chapter 7: Tuning the JVM, Step by Step, Chapter 8: Benchmarking Java Applications, Chapter 9: Benchmarking Multitiered Applications, Chapter 10: Web Application Performance, Chapter 11: Web Services Performance, and Chapter 12: Java Persistence and Enterprise Java Beans Performance.

BTW, of course you should avoid the XX options, but when in need, it is better to have some authoritative reference than having to rely on the uninformative Oracle docs or random forums.

Submission + - Samoa to change time zones and move forward by a d (

DiegoBravo writes: "Samoa plans to jump time zones and move its clocks forward by a day, bringing it in line with Australia and New Zealand. The proposed move in time zones comes two years after the island's government switched the side of the road on which Samoans drive from the right to the left." How do they deal with their servers' clocks?

Comment Re:If only Java were always Java (Score 1) 307

Same here. Recently I had some issues with fonts that were solved by switching to sun-java from openjdk (along other measures.) Sadly that issue was mandatory for my app.

For the time being, I'll have to disable all updates on those PRODUCTION machines in order to avoid the application from being stopped.

I don't understand why Cannonical can't just show a message declaring sun-jdk as deprecated.

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