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Comment Re:Dumb mom (Score 4, Insightful) 417

I hate to feed AC trolls, but please prove proof of your "Every crime ever committed against children comes from the current or ex boyfriend of some mother." claim.

I know you can't but I'm sick of the crap some people are willing to spit out. I would encourage you to also "use your freakin' brain" you moron.

Comment Re:The Mom should be in prison (Score 1) 417

So mothers shouldn't leave children with 'any' non-relative man? Please define what actions relate a man to the mother? What about a police officer, or a teacher? What if the mother was divorced and had a new husband, would that trip the magical 'he is related now' trigger and make the mother actions non-dubious?

People that live in constant fear of the rest of humanity are mocked, but when anything bad happens, people that didn't live in constant fear are mocked. You have to find some way to blame someone other than the rapist.

You sure seem keen on deeming out justice onto people.

Comment Re:What stinks about this is (Score 1) 417

You seem like a wonderful human being. A child is raped and you blame the mother.
You assume that a criminal record equals a child rapist.

From the article:
"His criminal history includes multiple convictions for theft and issuing worthless checks, as well as driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a canceled driver's license, according to court records."
So, if you ever steal something, write a bad check, drive drunk and have a canceled driver license you are also going to rape someone's kid. Gotcha, good to know.

Comment Re:Why do women live with such abusive criminals? (Score 1) 417

Maybe because he wasn't abusive to the mother and wasn't abusive to the daughter until this incident?
All we know is that he attacked and raped this girl. We don't know if he was ever violent or threatening before. We don't know if there was ever anything to indicate that maybe he couldn't be trusted with the care of a child.

Society sure is quick to condemn the mother, even though there is nothing that we know of that would have alerted the mother to this man's danger until after the rape.

Comment Re:wait, this is slashdot (Score 1) 417

Sorry, the word 'pedophilia' does in fact have a meaning. Because you are too busy with your indignant rage to accept that doesn't make the word's meaning change.
Yes, the man raped the 12 year old, but that does not make it pedophilia.

And bravo to insulting people that provided you with the meaning of the word. After all, why should we let dictionaries tell us what a word mean?

Comment Re:Why's this on Slashdot? (Score 1) 417

"Best health care" - technically true, but you ignore that our access to this wonderful healthcare is a lot less than "best". Just our infant mortality rate alone should be enough to show that not only is our health care not the best, but that it lags behind those horrid evil socialized medicine having countries like Canada, the UK, and France. You can argue your point, but you can't deny the evidence that the healthcare in the US has severe quality and access issues.

So, why is it that when someone says anything that questions the superiority of the US v the World, people like you tell them to leave? People like you think that the US leads the world in all things good, regardless of any pesky facts. You are uninformed, or misinformed, so you ignore any criticism rather than listen and ask if maybe, just maybe, you could be wrong and we, as Americans, can do something to fix it.

You need to wake up and see that your "land of the free" is just as controlled as any other country, you just ignore that because it might get in the way of your rose colored view of the US.

The US has a huge amount of socialist system in place, you just pretend to not see it. But unlike you, I don't require you to shut up or leave.

Comment Re:He's not perfect so he's terrible? (Score 1) 409

Perfectly said.

You just highlighted my main complaints with the President. I voted for him, and I'm still glad I did, but to hear him now, you would think that all of the other crisis in US history were nothing and the presidents then had some kind of magic to make it easy.

FDR, Truman ,Eisenhower, and Johnson had their crisis, made a decision and fought to get it implemented. They led the cause. Obama is still trying to make the 'other' side like him and be part of the process. He needs to learn that while consensus is a wonderful thing, leaders lead. Regardless of the obstacles other people put in front of him, he is the President nd should lead. If this is too much for him, or he just doesn't want the fight, then maybe he should seriously consider not running again. For as much as I hated W.Bush, he picked (or was told) a goal and fought to get to it.

Obama could learn from that kind of determination.

Comment Re:Boo fuckin' hoo (Score 1) 409

It should be immaterial that 'everyone else does it'. Regardless of one's political bend, the utter pandering by candidates should be decried and condemned.

The US is doomed to failure if the best we can do allow our leaders to get away with lying to us. A person promising something then not being able to deliver is politics; the same person claiming they never promised it is just being dishonest.


Nearby Star Forecast To Skirt Solar System 135

PipianJ writes "A recent preprint posted on arXiv by Vadim Bobylev presents some startling new numbers about a future close pass of one of our stellar neighbors. Based on studies of the Hipparcos catalog, Bobylev suggests that the nearby orange dwarf Gliese 710 has an 86% chance of skirting the outer bounds of the Solar System and the hypothesized Oort Cloud in the next 1.5 million years. As the Oort Cloud is thought to be the source of many long-period comets, the gravitational effects of Gliese's passing could send a shower of comets into the inner Solar System, threatening Earth. This news about Gliese 710 isn't exactly new, but it's one of the first times the probability of this near-miss has been quantified."

New Crossover Release With Improved Compatibility 104

solanum writes "On March 2nd Crossover 9.0 was released. CrossOver 9 features a new user interface that focuses on making installation of Windows software quicker and easier than previous versions. Another new feature is CrossOver's ability to download installation 'recipes' directly from CodeWeavers online Compatibility Database. 'If another CrossOver user has figured out how to use CrossOver to install a Windows application, they can upload that installation recipe to our database,' said Jeremy White, CodeWeavers chief executive officer. 'As we go forward, and build this online storehouse, CrossOver will begin to automatically install that same application for other users. This enables us to move closer to a world where CrossOver will begin to run the majority of Windows apps, and not just an officially supported subset. In other words, our diabolical plot for world domination is going exactly as planned,' he added. Early reviews and comments are positive, and my own experience is that many more Windows applications work in this new version than previously."

Venezuela Bans Hostile Videogames and Toys 335

An anonymous reader writes "In an effort to 'help improve child education and prevent misconduct,' the Venezuelan government began enforcing a law on March 3rd banning war videogames and toys, imposing a fine and 2.5 years in prison on the production, distribution, sale, hiring and use of video games and toys inciting violent behavior. Alberto Federico Ravell, former director of opposing news network Globovision, has already come on twitter denouncing the authorities for seizing imported Gameboy, Wii and PlayStation 3 consoles, due to considering them violent."

An Inside Look At Warhammer Online's Server Setup 71

An article at Gamasutra provides some details on the hardware Mythic uses to power Warhammer Online, courtesy of Chief Technical Officer Matt Shaw and Online Technical Director Andrew Mann. Quoting: "At any given time, approximately 2,000 servers are in operation, supporting the gameplay in WAR. Matt Shaw commented, 'What we call a server to the user, that main server is actually a cluster of a number of machines. Our Server Farm in Virginia, for example,' Mann said, 'has about 60 Dell Blade chassis running Warhammer Online — each hosting up to 16 servers. All in all, we have about 700 servers in operation at this location.' ... 'We use blade architecture heavily for Warhammer Online,' Mann noted. 'Almost every server that we deploy is a blade system. We don't use virtualization; our software is somewhat virtualized itself. We've always had the technology to run our game world across several pieces of hardware. It's application-layer clustering at a process level. Virtualization wouldn't gain us much because we already run very close to peak CPU usage on these systems.' ... The normalized server configuration — in use across all of the Mythic-managed facilities — features dual Quad-Core Intel Xeon processors running at 3 GHz with 8 GB of RAM."

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