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Twitter Gets Slammed By the StalkDaily XSS Worm 145

CurtMonash writes "Twitter was hit Saturday by a worm that caused victims' accounts to tweet favorably about the StalkDaily website. Infection occurred when one went to the profile page of a compromised account, and was largely spread by the kind of follower spam more commonly used by multi-level marketers. Apparently the worm was an XSS attack, exploiting a vulnerability created in a recent Twitter update that introduced support for OAuth, and it was created by the 17-year-old owner of the StalkDaily website. More information can be found in the comment thread to a Network World post I put up detailing the attack, or in the post itself. By evening, Twitter claimed to have closed the security hole."

Comment Re:Admins not adopting IPv6 (Score 1) 102

Well, sort of. ff02::2 is the link-local all routers muticast group. You can ping6 that address to get the link-local address of your router.

Of course, you can also you router advertisements to have your routing table automatically populated. RAs are nice for home networks.

Comment Re:IPv6 - the OS/2 of Networking. (Score 5, Informative) 102

IPv6 is being deployed. For example, this shows the growth in the IPv6 routing table size during 2008:

You can also check out for a list of IPv6-accessible web sites. It's growing weekly.

Google has launched their IPv6 trusted tester program, making many of their services reachable over IPv6.

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