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Comment Re:Ugh, this again? (Score 1) 417

I understand not wanting pictures of your underwear online, but she didn't seem to have a problem hanging it in her front yard.

In my eyes, any legitimacy she had was lost when she sued first instead of just asking to have it blurred or removed.

I spent a few years in Japan. It's actually quite possible that she would assume that no one would look at them out of common courtesy. To give you an idea how Japanese culture works, here's a story. Once, shortly after we arrived in Japan (we had been there only a few days iirc), we were traveling on a highway when we came to something like a toll plaza or something we'd call an oasis. A bus had stopped there, and about 10 men got out of the bus, lined up facing a wall, and began to urinate in public. My mother was laughing at the sight, and suggested that this would be considered rude in the US. The guide said that in Japan, it would be considered rude to notice.

I think American sensibilities would lead people to keep things like that hidden if it worried them. But this just might not be the case in other cultures like Japan.

Comment Re:Their greatest trick... (Score 1) 402

...because God promised that he wouldn't flood the earth again. (Despite some more barbaric claims in Revelation that He will indeed come back to destroy the world, and the claim that the rainbow is a symbol of God's promise, instead of a result of light refraction.)

God is supernatural. The very definition of that word means that God is outside of nature. Because of this, God can either work within or without the confines of nature to affect his will. In other words, God could strike you dead by making a piano materialize over your head. Or he could simply allow you to catch aids through your lifestyle and die that way.

Did people 4000 years ago understand that a rainbow comes from refracted light? No. Could God have used light refraction to implement a rainbow? Yes. Remember that the world before the flood was wildly different than it is now. It had never rained before the flood. (water for plants and animals came from other sources) So a rainbow would indeed be a new phenomenon for people here on earth. (People often think this is far too fantastic to be true. But how many weird planets are their in our universe? And how much of a astronomical change would it take to turn our planet into something very different?)

You're right that the bible predicts that the earth will be destroyed by God's judgments. But I think it's important to note that it's humans and their free will that brought these judgments upon the planet. Who is responsible then?

I had an interesting conversation on a christian forum discussing the 2012 "prophecies" and such. The book of revelation describes a lot of events during the tribulation that result in destruction here on earth. A few in particular seem like accurate descriptions of large meteor strikes. One describes something "like a large fiery mountain crashing into the sea." We wondered whether this event would be 100% supernatural in origin, whether God would simply bump an asteroid in our direction depending on our behavior, or whether this asteroid is currently on an intercept course because he already knows the outcome of our behavior. It could be any of those. One of the events associated with 2012 is the galactic crossing where we're supposed to cross through the plane of the galaxy. What if the galaxy contains a saturn-style ring full of space junk? Some of them could be the size of small planets. They could pass through the solar system disrupting orbits, the axis of rotation, even the rotational speed of the earth. Then again, it could just all be supernatural in origin.

Anyway, time is running out. Christians will disappear soon and whoever's left gets to deal with all these unpleasantries. It will be so bad that people will wish for death. Of course, death will bring something far worse than life here under those conditions. Repent or else.

Comment Re:Odd. (Score 1) 473

I think there is a part of the Bible that says the only unforgivable sin, the only thing that can keep you from going to heaven, is the complete and absolute rejection of God.

This is true. The only unforgivable sin is the rejection of salvation. But this is because you won't allow yourself to be saved.

However, since God is infinite and unknowable you can't really reject him completely.

Hell is full of people who rejected Jesus. It's not so much rejecting the full knowledge of God as it is rejecting salvation.

You can reject the parts you know about, but not the parts you don't know about. You might not even want to reject those parts if you did know about them. Ergo, no one goes to hell.

Jesus clearly said on a number of occasions that there is a hell and many (even most) will go there.

Comment Re:Odd. (Score 1) 473

Heaven is a terribly boring place,

And where did you get this idea? The descriptions I've read in the bible are far from boring.

Hell is suffering,

Understatement of eternity.

I would rather take another chance at life and Re-incarnate, of course it would be nice to retain ALL my memories of the past life so I could learn from experience and not make the same mistakes twice.

I wouldn't. This is an awful place. I don't ever want to come back here again.

Comment Re:Odd. (Score 1) 473

But what if the Evil guy had won and then says He is the good guy?

What if the Evil guy didn't win, but led people to believe that he had? Or that he was the good guy? Or that he didn't even exist?

If I were the evil guy, I certainly would mess with peoples head and say that I was good, although I was evil.

Isn't that what Satan does? And where does God ever behave this way? If we have free will, and someone does something evil, who is responsible? God for allowing it? Or the person for doing evil? If God intervened, we wouldn't have free will anymore.

Say to two different persons that I am their only God and kill the other one and see who wins. Just because I can.

Or how about God telling everyone that he is their only God, and Satan telling the people who won't listen that some other gods are the true way, or that there is no God?

All the while the Devil who tries to come back, I will tell the worst stories about. And all the the Devil want to do is you to have fun.

There are practical reasons for the rules. While it may just be having fun to you, there are serious real-world consequences that you could never predict or know about. Why not pick up a girl and have some fun tonight? Oh, you got HPV. 10 years later, oh my wife has HPV. Oh, my baby got HPV during delivery and died from complications. Oh man, I have penile cancer now and there's only one treatment for that. All because of a night of fun. If only there were a set of rules I could live by that could protect me from these kinds of unintended consequences...

Or is this just a matter that absolute power corrupts absolutely?

This applies to humans, not God.

Anyway. Nice and entertaining stories. Lots of violence and sex, so great to turn into movies.

I sincerely hope you figure out the truth before it's too late.

Comment Re:Odd. (Score 1) 473

Oh, I did not mean Satan with the guy responsible for this. Any god condemning a single soul to infiinte punishment for a finite transgression is pure evil. That one would be the target in this unlikely case.

What's the difference between finite and infinite?

It's not God condemning you to an eternity in hell, you condemn yourself through your actions (or inaction).

Comment Re:Odd. (Score 1) 473

If I believed that there was a good chance that after I died I would be thrown into a lake of fire and otherwise punished for the rest of eternity, you can bet your sorry ass that I would be scared shitless of dying. Yes yes if you're good you get to go to heaven, but what if you accidentally committed a mortal sin without realizing it or something?

Actually, getting into heaven has nothing to do with being good. You only have to be saved. Jeffery Dahmer was saved shortly before he died. I fully expect to see him there. Some might wonder what kind of god would allow "justice" like this, that a serial killer would be allowed into heaven! But I see it differently. If God can save a serial killer, he can save anyone.

After all, if you read the Bible, God is nothing if not capricious; how can you know that when He said "No mixed fabrics!", He didn't really mean it?

This is the age of grace, and as saved christians, the law does not apply to us. Of course, without Jesus, you're still under the law. Which is why you'll never make it.

What if you really are supposed to believe in the Miracle of Transubstantiation, reality be damned? It's just so uncertain.

This is a catholic thing. Not all christians believe in this. Please stop lumping us all together.

Fortunately there's no hell, so there's no worries on that front. Honestly, I can't for the life of me see why theists think that religion brings peace and comfort. What is any amount of Earthly reassurance, in the face of the threat of infinite torture? (take that, Pascal!)

I don't fear death, because I know where I'm going. And I find great comfort and reassurance in that right here.

Comment Re:Hi Janet Napolitano (Score 1) 890

Those of us paying attention knew exactly what he was, but voting for McCain/Palin was simply out of the question.

I wasn't aware that Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin were the only two choices on the 2008 ballot.

I wasn't aware that there was any difference between McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden, or that anyone else could have won an election in this country and lived to tell about it.

Comment Re:Good. Hope this keeps up (Score 1) 712

Persecuting a TSA dumbass for following an illegal order is probably the worst way of effecting change.

I disagree. If your employer ordered you to murder someone, you'd be charged with the crime also. We absolutely need to throw the grunts under a bus. This might wake up the rest of them and make them quit.

Do you understand that the problem is at the top of the pyramid? The problem is the people at the top and the policies they are crafting. Not the rank and file guys following these ridiculous policies.

They were only following orders. Godwin indeed.

By no means am I condoning the activity, but stringing up the first TSA grunt that gropes the wrong person is ridiculous. That dudes life will be absolutely and utterly destroyed for following what he believe to be legal and lawful instructions. I'm saying we should prevent the groping from happening in the first place.

You're right that it should be stopped from the top. But the grunt should know better and quit.

Comment Re:Sad news for believers (Score 1) 474

Maybe not so massive. I've been a christian for quite a while and have yet to meet a single person that advocates anything like a theocracy. Most will simply encourage you to vote democrat or republican depending on whether they think feeding the poor or stopping abortion is more important. But don't let a silly thing like reality get in the way of your rants.

Comment Re:Economical price of $50,000 BUT... (Score 1) 239

On move-in day, each item is a carry-on and subject to a baggage fee of $50. You can't have an airplane without junk fees!

Worse than that, does she have to go through security every time she comes home? Does she have to put on her seat belt every time she sits down? Did she reuse the airplane bathrooms? Does turbulence occasionally throw her out of bed? No more than six ounces of liquid allowed in the house?

"Sorry I'm late. It took me an extra 20 minutes to get clearance from the tower before I could push back from the garage."

Bu-bye now, Bu-bye.

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