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Comment Re:Two reasons (Score 2, Informative) 712

There's a couple of reasons why technology has sort of fizzled out, as I see it.

First of all, DIY is dead or dying. Electronic components are harder to get hold of, and information about electronics is harder to get hold of (Internet is all good, but it really doesn't compare to the old electronics magazines).

DIY dying? Seriously? I am incredibly encouraged by the Maker movement _enabled_ by new electronic components and Internet information sharing that is happening today. Check out Make magazine if you want to see some of what's going on. Look at sparkfun.com or adafruit or any number of blogs. Then go out and make something.

Comment Re:One word - ads (and Lower Thirds) (Score 1) 576

As an early TiVo adopter, I stopped making appointments to watch TV and watching ads long ago. With a two tuner TiVo, I don't care what network programs what content against some other network. I couldn't tell you when or where the few shows I still watch come on. I just check "Now Playing" when I feel like watching TV.

But...what is killing this last vestige of broadcast programming for me is the ever more obnoxious crap they're putting in the lower third of the screen. It's taking more and more space, covering up more of the actual program and swooshing in and out or dribbling across the bottom of the screen.

Let's see, I'm losing market share so let's see if I can make my already crappy programming even harder to tolerate. Great business model.

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The biggest difference between time and space is that you can't reuse time. -- Merrick Furst
