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Comment Re:rewind 40 years (Score 1) 236

Hey, the Russian went to space first anyway, it's not like americans were at the bleeding edge.

So true. The americans needed to take initiative so they developed a plan to land on the moon, and then JFK told everybody that this was the most important step in the universe so far and the first one to accomplish it would rule the world. And it became true. But not because america landed on the moon first, but because russia was bleeding money faster than the us and had to give up the race first.

The next time someone will be on the bleeding edge is when someone (china is my guess) will announce that they plan a manned mars mission and from that point in time (or when it's actually successfully executed) they will be the new rulers of the world, a title that usa have taken on itself for the last hundred years or so, give or take.

Humans live to explore, the ones that explores the furthest are the current numbero uno. Always has been, always will be.

Comment Re:Do we need this? (Score 1) 354

Interesting. Next time my mother wines about the computer perhaps I should take a ubuntu live cd over to her place and show her around... I've tried this many times but I think I have to simplify ubuntu further to get her to not nod it down as too complicated, like for instance removing the multiple desktops which are ace when you know how, but just "where did my window go?" for beginners...

I made sure she ran firefox and her mail is web based plus she mostly uses the computer to manage photos.. perhaps you have a good solution for that? I'm currently running digikam but that's almost to complex.. perhaps I could use dropbox for galleries..

Comment Re:Do we need this? (Score 1) 354

And then they wonder why they can't play their newly bought game? Or the game that someone gave them on x-mas?

I'm an avid linux user, but I'm yet to push it onto my family or friends because they have other needs than me. As parent said, windows compability is key for those people.

Tho, it should be said that with the new webgl to html5 there will be a LOT of change I think, regarding to games. If you can play a game safe in your browser, why use seperate executables? I think this is a whole new era, so devs: get your webgl skills up to date ASAP!

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