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Submission + - Apple Fixes Critical Certificate Validation Bug in iOS 7.06

Trailrunner7 writes: Apple on Friday quietly pushed out a security update to iOS that restores some certificate-validation checks that had apparently been missing from the operating system for an unspecified amount of time.

“Secure Transport failed to validate the authenticity of the connection. This issue was addressed by restoring missing validation steps,” the Apple advisory says.

The wording of the description is interesting, as it suggests that the proper certificate-validation checks were in place at some point in iOS but were later removed somehow. The effect of an exploit against this vulnerability would be for an attacker with a man-in-the-middle position on the victim’s network would be able to read supposedly secure communications. It’s not clear when the vulnerability was introduced, but the CVE entry for the bug was reserved on Jan. 8.
The Internet

Time Warner Deal Is How Comcast Will Fight Cord Cutters 424

An anonymous reader writes "This NY Times articles makes the case that Comcast's planned acquisition of Time Warner Cable is part of a strategy to fight back against the millions of people ditching cable subscriptions. 'The acquisition rests on the assumption that as people cut back on their monthly TV plans, the cable lines coming into their homes won't lose their value.' The idea is that switching away from cable TV will simply make consumers more beholden to their internet connections, and removing (i.e. acquiring) the competition will let Comcast raise rates without losing customers. The article concludes, 'The steady price increases in broadband rates cast a pall over any cord cutter's dreams. It's possible that you might still save money now by cutting off your cable. But if you plan to watch a lot of TV over the Internet, don't expect to save money forever.'"

Comment why? (Score 1) 772

The USA didn't give a poop about Dr. Who until 'recently'. It isn't a lame show made in the US with nice PC characters. Dr.Who can kill, lie, and deceive, and make monumental blunders. If it was written in the US he'd be nice and strong. He is male, and regenerates as a male, to regenerate as a female would mean a gender change, just to please a small whiny few. OFFS! The US networks kill good Si-Fi so leave the rest of us alone.(Firefly).

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Reference the NULL within NULL, it is the gateway to all wizardry.
